A Call To Answer Or Ignore!?

This tragedy has acheived one thing, it has made humans humble, shown them their true place in the world ie they will always be at the mercy of the mother nature

This tragedy has achieved one thing, it has made humans humble, shown them their true place in the world i.e they will always be at the mercy of the mother nature

There seems to be havoc
There seems to be no respite
From the smallest organism in the world
That has instilled fear in all our minds!

Bringing back memories of previous horrors,
Lessons which seem to have been forgotten
Man may be the superior brains
But the clutches of illnesses spare none.

Hype instead of hygiene
Callousness instead of care
Shunning each other instead of support
Puts the whole mankind at stake!

Nature shouts out in all possible ways
Time and again, man has learnt to shut it out.
But this time, can we ignore the callings,
Can we achieve our so-called victory over nature?

Image Credits: Pixabay


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[email protected]

The identity of a person being a man/woman/any other, being a success/failure is a caricature drawn by the society to restrict the wide variety of colours from being splashed on the limitless read more...

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