Another Activity You Can Think Of Taking Up During Corona Lockdown

Your diary is your one friend that will never back stab you, your memories and your secrets will always be safe.

Hello ladies, the spread of the corona virus across the globe has restricted us to our homes and our devices. So let me tell you about an activity that you could take up during this period and hopefully continue, diary writing. I know it may sound boring to some people but please just hear me out.

So I was 12- 13 years old when I started getting these funny dreams, they would range from comic jokers and circuses to ghosts, sometimes they would include the characters from the movie I watched before sleeping at night, other times it would include my near and dear ones. I discussed it with my mom and then I saw the movie “Shark Boy and the Lava Girl”, please don’t watch it, the screenplay is terrible but it had this kid who had a similar problem like mine and I liked what he decided to do and that was to maintain a dream diary. And that’s how it started.

I started writing down my dreams as soon as I got up, it was like an event for me to remember the details, I am sure if the hero of the book “The Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo” had a similar habit, he probably wouldn’t had to go through all that trouble to get the treasure, anyways if that had happened, we wouldn’t have got such a great book. So here I was writing pages and pages and a few years back I developed the habit to read through them and let me tell you its a very interesting way to know about yourself from yourself and feel “Was I really that naive and stupid?”

Turning back those pages, I would feel happy, because the pages of the diary held a part of me and my memories. I am a big fun of mystery writers, I started young with Nancy Drew, Hardy boys and  slowly moved on to Agatha Christie. So my dreams varied from finding myself on a beach to seeing people flying in the air. Some of the those were illogical, but still I would see all that. As time passed, I noticed that my dreams were becoming more towards the positive side. So it actually helped me sort out my issue.

As I grew, my diary became my home, I wrote about anything and every thing, friends, family, fights, tears, parties, stunts everything and most importantly my trust. After marriage I understood the actual meaning of this habit, things were happening that I could not share with anyone, that I wrote in my diary and my heart felt a little lighter. The new family bonds were not easy, I did not trust them enough to share, but I trusted my diary and I am happy that I did.

Even now sometimes, I write my dreams in it, if I can recollect anything and I hope that someday when I am old, retired and have lost my memories, I would be reading these pages to my grand kids to let them know who I was and what I did growing up. My parents actually had to empty a shelf in our store room for me to store these books and no one is allowed to touch it.

So that is my story of diary writing, please do share your thoughts about it, try picking it up, because your diary is your one friend that will never back stab you, your memories and your secrets will always be safe.

Image via Pixabay

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