5 Best Ways To Stick To Your Goals!

Achieving goals is a combination of dedication, discipline, determination and a whole lot of patience.

I am sure most of you made resolutions on the New Year. From weight loss, to healthier habits to achieving work goals, most of us have already decided to dedicate time for self-growth and care. On paper, sticking to our resolutions and achieving them seems easy, but the real pain begins when we try to execute the same in reality! The zeal with which we begin seem to fade away as we embark on this journey. Achieving goals is a combination of dedication, discipline, determination and a whole lot of patience. Here are 5 best ways to stick to any goals that you set for yourself.

Breakdown goals into milestones

If the prospect of running 10kms makes you think of reasons to actually just sit at home and chill, then you better break it down into smaller goals.  Start with small baby steps and set milestones for your goals. Like you could run for 2kms for the first week and then increase the distance as you get habituated to the idea of running. Similarly, all your goals can be broken down into smaller achievable milestones. This will not overwhelm you and keep you focus oriented.

Reward yourself for your achievements

You have to be your loudest cheerleader! Celebrate achievement of every milestone, small or big. Rewarding yourself will help you feel happy and in power of achieving way better or more. This will cement your ability to achieve goals and make you will stronger and much more focused.

Surround yourself with positive people

You need to have people who cheer for you and add value to your life. Besides supporting your goals, they should be able to help you reform yourself, emotionally and intellectually. They can act as reminders and helping hand if ever you deviate from your goals. Positive mind leads to positive thinking and a positive way of life.

Be patient

The most important turning point while sticking to our goals happens when we don’t achieve desired results immediately or when the results take time. One has to train the mind and body to wait patiently for the results to show, you are not going to lose weight overnight or achieve any professional goal within a fortnight. We need to pump in sincere efforts over a period of time for the results to reflect.

Believe in yourself

When you set a goal to achieve, a lot of people will judge your ability to do so, some will ridicule you and some might just discard it. Remember you are doing it for yourself and not to prove anything to someone else. Hold a strong belief in your abilities, skills and never doubt your potential.

Image via Pixabay

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