Why Middle Age Women Feel They Are At Crossroads?

Experiences and ageing mellow one and with ageing comes to the emotional stability. Nonetheless, it is risky too and just cannot be taken lightly.

How often have we come across our grandparents telling the stories of their past, or our parents narrating incidences of our childhood days or about some of their tough days? And every time we visited them, the stories repeated with the same enthusiasm and intensity. As a child I remember I used to be all eyes and ears, thoroughly enjoying every word of it. But later, with my busy schedule, I started feeling annoyed and there were times when I cut short the sentence and snubbed at my mother saying, “I remember, you did tell me this.”

Little did I know then that these are the moments they would be looking forward to. It is now, only when I am on the threshold entering the same phase of life, I realize, my mother needed to be heard.

Back then, the old age vibes would hit at the age of about fifty-five or so. But now the feel of ageing has come way too earlier sapping the enthusiasm out of our lives. Could it be because of our lifestyle, I wonder.

Ample amount of information is available on the internet today about parenting, health, pregnancy, parenting the newborn, the challenges faced by new mothers, for young women, training the toddlers, and the like. Of course, the first time is always a thrilling experience. And so is experiencing the vibes of middle ageing too. Relatively very little has been emphasized on the middle-age phase of women.

Experiences and ageing mellow one and with ageing comes to the emotional stability. Nonetheless, it is risky too and just cannot be taken lightly. Outwardly, the middle-aged seems to be very understanding, patient, calm and unperturbed but the fact is they are the masters of masking techniques, especially women.

Having had the most eventful and busy days with the increasing burden of discharging her responsibility, constantly raising her expectation bar of self, pushing her limits and boundaries to meet her own set targets, the gradual onset of her middle age makes her feel powerless. Stranded, frustrated and vulnerable, she hits the crossroads of life. A big void seems to be formed which brings a chain of endless worries about everything and anything. It could be about the instances of the past or regrets or about the future or about finance. Some end up having a sense of wasted youth.

The harder one tries to get over it, the worse it gets. It is no less than battling the most dreaded disease. Counselling, spirituality, meditation, yoga, hobbies are all the pieces of advice we get to hear and read. But only the one going through this lonesome journey, enduring its blows at every step can figure out the solution.

Patience is the key. Taking one step at a time can help us pull ourselves.

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Having been in this phase for quite some time now, the confusion, being my way of life, I look for a solution in every little talk I have, in whatever I do, read or hear or watch.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein

As the quote state, when confusions have overpowered me, I do not understand what I precisely need to get back to myself.

Can this be called a kind of mental disorder?  

Image is a still from the movie Bucket List


About the Author

Rajashree Bhagwat

A mother, a wife and a woman defines me. I became a homemaker by choice and turned into a writer by chance. Now, looking forward to try my hand at new styles of writing and read more...

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