Elusive Life

LIfe is so elusive.. just when you think you have deciphered it, you realize there is so much more to it.

This is how I am, my obsession with life
Arguments, fights, resentment, and complaints
My wants, my desires, my wishes
The cribbing, cravings, anger, and disappointment
Have all disappeared into thin air.

Days end up seeming pointless and aimless
Life, off-balance and clueless
Nothing to neither long for nor look forward to
There is neither happiness nor sorrow
Instead, dwells an unusual peace inside of me.

Was it all a dream and am I now awake
From deep slumber, I wonder
How can I be so untouched, unaware
Of my world turning upside down to this extent
It is hard to fathom what my future beholds.

The void, emptiness and lacklustre
No more bothers or agitates me
No plans about future, no silent sulking
This contrast to myself, unable to accept, unable to deny
Came so gently with all its glory, without the slightest hint.

They say, experiences and ageing mellows one, does it?
Is this unusual feeling, temporary?
Or Is it a transition phase?
Or is this the ultimate truth?
Why is life so elusive?

Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Rajashree Bhagwat

A mother, a wife and a woman defines me. I became a homemaker by choice and turned into a writer by chance. Now, looking forward to try my hand at new styles of writing and read more...

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