What My Son’s First Month Of School Taught Me

With time he started writing alphabets; though not very defined and in line but yes, he wrote.

Like every mother, the D day came. The first day of school. Felt neurotic, excited, skittish and joyous; altogether. Preparations started a month ago. List of favourite cartoon bags, tiffin, bottles, pencil box, all was already handed over by my little to his parents as this was the only purpose for what he was ready to go to his new learning place. And finally, the day arrived. Opposing all my fears and nightmares of that bawling and squalling that usually is the first scene of  “ School’s First Day” Bollywood movie, he smiled, waved cheerily and moved in. I was one of the happy mothers and felt much much fortunate to cherish his first entry in school with this happy face as I could see fellow mothers struggling hard enough to cherish that moment( Though it is more cherished when kids grow up).

With his new routine inculcating in our hours, many things went scheduled, co-ordinated and synchronized in their way spontaneously. Like all other kids now he was also moulding himself to wake up early, having a glass of milk in the morning ( which he never had before), eating up on his own( thanks to his lovely teacher), to be more proprietorial for his things. But with this silver also came its dross. Vihaan struggled to write; even holding a pencil. His notebooks came with nothing written or ‘Aided work’ which I could easily sense was written by a teacher with very little efforts made by him.

Whatsapp group messages of fellow parents sharing their kid’s notebooks filled with ‘excellent’, numerous stars and written applause added more to my trepidation. If other tots of his age could do why couldn’t he, was the first thing questioned my instinct. But then patient mother in me tried to unwrap the root of the problem.

Irrespective of whatever was going in his school we had our own small session every day at home. Starting from just verbal repetition of alphabets and numbers we step up the ladder. Within a few days, he could easily make out the difference between various alphabets and numbers. But written work remained the same. He could not write without assistance. With every day passing his notebook had new letters and numbers in it.  Our class continued. Slow but consistent. I started with crayons to improve his motor nerves which help hold and write. Steadily, he started holding pastels and colour various shapes and figures. Our role reversals helped me get his day to day activities in class. We began cherishing our sessions now. Scribbling, clay modelling, paper cutting all were there to prepare him for writing. With time he started writing alphabets; though not very defined and in line but yes, he wrote.

It’s one month of his school. I would not say he is perfect at writing but I would say he is much more than he was before a month. Life is now in the genre to add a few more lessons. It is upskilling me with new angles to overcome shortcomings of my kid. It is stimulating me in every aspect. Pushing me beyond my boundaries. Looking forward to more of these chronicles of motherhood, one chapter of School diaries appeared fantastic.  Many more lessons to learn. Many more hurdles to get through. Many more stories to write.

Happy Parenting!!

Image via Pixabay

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About the Author

Shweta Vyas

Now a days ..Vihaan's Mum...Wanderer at heart,extremely unstable in thoughts,readholic; which has cure only in blogs and books...my pen have words about parenting,women empowerment and wellness..love to delve read more...

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