Admiration Or Displeasure? Two Ways Of Raising Eyebrows!

Fashion says “Me too” and Style says “Only me”. Right fashion choices are essential.. choose wisely!

Style is expressing yourself through what you wear and how you carry yourself. It’s more than just fashion & I personally feel that style doesn’t only have the element of whether what you wear is suiting you or not but also have an element of what is the occasion you are displaying your style in.

Carrying a style which acts as a catalyst to raise eyebrows of the onlookers is not easy because the eyebrows might rise in admiration or it may be under the shock or displeasure for the onlookers.

Three styles which we witnessed recently were sensationally unsettling and potentially debatable. These styles were not from the fashion industry but from the common people like us

Who runs on the treadmill with long hair open??

A few months back my friend was keen to join a Gym for her ever-growing tummy and un-ending lethargy. She got herself registered in one of the very posh gyms near her colony and the next day when she entered the gym, she felt the urge to laugh out loud! This is because she saw a young twenty-something running on the treadmill with her long hair open. Her focus was more on the mirror placed in front of the treadmill than her speed of running. My friend had an interesting workout in the gym on the very first day and more than working out, she was glued to that lady whose focus was clearly on seeing how she looks when she runs with her hair open. I am sure like her, there would be many of who would have noticed this ‘fashion’ display in the gym.

Who wears heels for trekking?

We had gone to Matheran last year after doing all the study about that place. June-July is the best weather to visit Matheran as it rains heavily and gives mesmerising weather for those who like to trek. We were flabbergasted to see a group of girls trekking in the muddy, mushy and stony roads with their high heels. The discomfort in their walk was so noticeable that the carriage pullers offered them to sit on the carriage but the girls were adamant to the top and the continued with their ‘Heel-ful’ trekking. Whenever I think of them, I ask myself if they actually could make best out of their vacation or they had to struggle the entire trip like a tightrope walker and keep balancing their body on their high heels. What a disastrous choice of style they made at a wrong place…

Who says butt cleavage needs a public display?

I really fail to understand how men and women are comfortable with the lowest waist jeans which just hangs on their waist seemingly having no support. More to it they wear short tops or shirts and bend down whenever they wish to. Nobody on this earth has the courage to ask them what makes them flaunt their butt cleavage in public and why can’t they be stylish with simple jeans and reasonably good length top or a nice length shirt? Very recently I went to a temple and while getting up to the stairs, the couple who was supposed to be wearing this strange outfit bent down to touch the stairs at the entrance of the temple. Unfortunately, I was behind them and at the sight of that graceless thing, my sense of devotion which I had been carrying all along my way just vanished & I was filled with annoyance. What style was that? Why can’t we just ban such brutal and poisonous styles from our society? Seriously the sheer thought of what I had to glance gives me a sense of disgust.

Fashion says “Me too” and Style says “Only me”. If this is right then I am sure the styles mentioned above had that successful element of “Only me” and the protagonists of those dramas could very well capitalise on the style they assumed. But for me they were ludicrous.

The image is a still from the movie Tanu weds Manu 2

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About the Author


Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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