8 Simple Ways To Live Happier Lives

Happiness is what everyone yearns for. These simple tips may help you lead fulfilled and happier lives.

Happiness is what everyone yearns for. These simple tips may help you lead fulfilled and happier lives.

Anyone who has breath in his body has gone through a life cycle of challenges at work, personal life and relationships. The challenges could be self-goals, related to our environment or a result of our being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The common factor in these situations is the individual. We live our lives in one body and mind. An infant might experience trauma at child birth. The same baby will grow up to be the adult body he identifies with. This adult could then land up in a situation where he has to deal with workplace bullying. Through this cycle the child or adult has the same mind to interface with the outside world.

How do we meander through this maze of circumstances and people? Are there techniques that could help us? Most often this is a self-learning process. Through this article I wanted to share my self-taught techniques that I have learned over time:

Temper our expectations

When we go into an unknown situation, we need to temper our expectations and see things for what they are.

Health is key

If you look after yourself, it’s easier to deal with long hours and it becomes easy to rely on yourself. It helps your confidence too.

De-stress and Decompress

Life will not play by your rules. Pick up a meditation technique or yoga or a habit of walking in natural habitats.

Give back to society

Help someone in need. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate exercise. Just buying coffee or a meal for someone who cannot afford it might start a chain reaction of good deeds. Mahatma Gandhi said – “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

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Just breathe

Taking a deep breath in the middle of a crisis may be the only tool you need to find a solution. Spend a few minutes every day for deep inhalation and exhalation.


Know that nothing in life is perfect. Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken things with gold is based on the philosophy that those imperfections make a piece of sculpture more valuable and unique. If we can accept our imperfections and of those around us, we will stop wasting our energies over trivial arguments. Sometimes, we may conclude that our surroundings might be irreparable for us and the only change that is needed is to walk away.

We all lose a few battles. When that happens accept that too and move on for your next big win. As clichéd as that sounds try to learn from your failures. Those are lessons which will shape your future actions and thoughts.


Would you spend the same amount of time and energy in buying a pen as you would spend in buying a house? Similarly, should you invest your emotions or time in an argument that would not really be valuable to your well-being or your journey?

Protect your sense of being

This doesn’t imply that we are uncaring towards our peers or spouse or siblings. It just means that we should have a caring attitude towards our own selves.

Try to emulate people who inspire you but keep your own sense of integrity and value systems.

Be who you are in every situation. Be well.

Image Source: YouTube/Highway

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shubhra Bhargava

Whether its drinking masala- chai on a rainy day in Mumbai or a conversation over coffee at a starbucks in Chicago; I love both places and hope to capture some of those moments in my read more...

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