The #Tenyearchallenge Made Me Reflect On ‘Then’ And ‘Now’

The current #tenyearchallenge which has taken the internet by storm made the author reflect upon and draw parallels between her life ten years ago and her life today.

The current #tenyearchallenge which has taken the internet by storm made the author reflect upon and draw parallels between her life ten years ago and her life today.

We all know that the #tenyearchallenge is taking the internet by storm. As per the challenge we have to post two images side by side. One of the images is how we were ten years back and another one is how we look today. The idea behind this challenge is to promote ‘self love’.

It reminded me as to how my life was ten years back and how it is now. It made me question as to what I have achieved and how my thought process changed in those ten years.

Ten years back, that is in 2009, I was in the last year of my bachelor’s degree. There was so much confusion about the future but, I loved enjoying with my friends. A few of them were already placed in MNCs and few were like me who were in ambiguity as to what to do next. The confusion however, didn’t stop us from bunking classes and watching movies, meeting at friends’ home and having delicious meals prepared by my friends’ parents. As I was staying in a hostel that time, my friends also came to my home town and we enjoyed the beaches there. Exams meant last minute preparation. That time my only worry was how I would start my career, though I was confident that I could achieve whatever I wanted. I also had plans to start my own business after five to ten years of work experience and earn money thereafter.

Now, in 2019 I have the same goal- to start a business of my own. But, I am not as confident as I was ten years back. All those friends are in almost similar situation as mine, few are continuing their careers and few gave up their careers to continue to cater to family responsibilities. I must thank technology as due to technology we all are still in touch, though we do not meet in person.

Ten years back, I was a free independent girl, who could travel alone from the college city to her home town. Now, I can not go to my home town without my hubby, as travelling on my own with a small kid is a bit risky(though its pretty possible). That time , I wouldn’t think much about anything and just do what I wanted to do. Now, I have to think thousand times and some times my thought process stops me from doing what I want to do. But, as a mother, I need to think about my child as well. I didn’t think much about home management, marital life and so on then. But, now my life revolves around it. I know all these responsibilities are temporary. So, I am confident that I will achieve whatever I want in due course of time.

Image Source: Pexels

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