Thank You ‘Zindagi’ For These Life Lessons!

The author talks about the various life-lessons the trials and tribulations of life has taught her. Read on!

The author talks about the various life-lessons the trials and tribulations of life has taught her. Read on!

Oh Zindagi, What to say about you? You don’t know how much I love you. Despite lots of exams (lots of pain, lots of problems etc.), I would never stop loving you because whenever you tested me, I became a better person. Each time I have experienced that you are my best teacher because you have taught me the hardest lessons of life, but you have to appreciate me as well because I passed all the tests.

Nevertheless, I would admit that sometimes I felt like giving up, sometimes I felt like crying and sometimes I felt like running away but, my positive attitude towards you, always won and it made me win too.

So, thank you so much zindagi for teaching me a plethora of lessons.

‘Whatever happens, happen for good: Yes,whatever is happening in life, accept it as God’s wish, and eventually, you would realize that everything is fine, even better than your expectations. So, the worst experience always gives the best lessons of life.

‘Never give up’: You taught me that always keep trying until you achieve your goal, and one day, what you want, you shall achieve. I did the same, and I got what I expected from my life.

 ‘Work is worship’: You taught me that yes, without doubt, luck matters but without  hard-work, luck never shines so keep working hard, and one day luck would change. So, believe in only hard work and dedication, and so did I and got the fruit of my efforts.

‘Always keep your hope alive amidst all odds’: You taught me that whatever situations come in life, never lose hope. That’s why in odd situations, I always think “All is well”, and it is worth. Really, after every tempest of my life, all was well, even better.

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 ‘Always try to find out your hidden talent, potential and caliber’: You taught me that God has blessed everyone with different talent, potential and caliber. One only needs to find it out and use it. Thereafter, no one can stop you. Only because of this lesson, I have met a new ‘me’ whom I never knew.

 ‘Believe in God’: You taught me to always believe in the Almighty because when we confide in God, we welcome everything whether it is good or bad, and this makes us positive and gives strength to fight against odds. And so did I.

You have taught me endless lessons. I can’t write about each and every lesson. However, I won’t say that after learning those lessons, I have become the most successful person or the best person, still I would say that yes, I improved, I became better, I met myself. Every time, I enjoyed your trials and tribulations. So, even after lots of problems, lots of pain, lots of blames, lots of troubles- I love you Zindagi.

Image Source: Pixabay

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About the Author

Geeta Shivhare

I am Geeta Shivhare, mother of two naughty kids, a tutor, and a blogger. I am fond of writing stories. In my life, many a time I have meet with myself as a new Geeta read more...

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