Dear Santa, Make My Wish Come True!

The holiday cheer is making the author miss many things and she hopes that Santa fulfills her wish and makes her see her family.

The holiday cheer is making the author miss many things and she hopes that Santa fulfills her wish and makes her see her family.

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon ’em”

-Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, or What You Will

PS: I am absolutely not claiming, that I fit in any of the above mentioned categories!

Christmas is the month of joy, wellness, abundance, togetherness and MAGIC! Since it is the month of Christmas, I can unleash the fifth grade me from a hidden folder of my brain, once I utter the words “I believe in magic.”

Despite being insulted repeatedly by my elder sister for believing in Santa Clause, I could never give upon him. I know it is stupid, but I still wait eagerly for the Christmas special cartoons, animated films or any magic series. My girlie gang would certainly agree, that a part of our tiny little brain, has never left high school and in case you are super-sensitive like me, then a part of your brain should be able to preserve even your junior school days !

“ Ah..those good old days..that carefree life..”- we women, often keep saying these to each other. Be it my elder sister, my college friends, my aunts, my mother- everybody, wishes to relive those days! We always want to escape the harsh realities we experience every day, and need each other’s comforting arms to warm us up. Some people name this ‘gossip,’ some call this ‘adda,’ some call this ‘#jammingsession,’ some call this ‘getting together.’ All we need is sharing, because sharing is caring after all!

Ever since the day I started speaking, my mouth never knew how to rest. A lot of people will agree to this, and a lot of people will go nuts. Yes, I am sassy! I don’t open my mouth everywhere, but when I open, I don’t know how to shut it! Uggghhh- a lot of people think that I don’t fit in because of this. But, that’s how I am! I can’t change myself for seeking acceptance! All I can do is, I can repeat what I love doing (bad habits, of course) and I can sing:

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“I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice
By once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times
So let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight
‘Cause I just need one more shot at second chances

Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?”

And if I am in good mood, I will dance too, and make you dance too. I can cuddle you and hug you to death. So, my loved ones accept me (most of the time), sometimes they don’t. They judge me, they get angry, they call me weird names, they even hit me , but when I get upset, they come to hug. They just love to sit there, munching a double dose of calories, to gather enough energy to hug out my sorrows, and anything that could have bothered me. I feel like “Ah! That’s all I have ever wanted all my life” releasing stress, and gathering enough dose of oxytocins for the rest of the year.

Coming back to Christmas! It is the month of magic, wish-fulfillment, love and togetherness. This year, it is cold and dark outside and the baby feels unprotected and cold, like the baby Jesus of Netflix Original, ‘Angela’s Christmas’. The baby needs someone like Angela, someone, to warm him or her up. So, I write this letter to dear Santa, to send me Guardian Angels who can guide me to the next destination! Dear Santa, I wish to see my family this Christmas! Please grant me the permission to see at least my parents this year? I haven’t seen my mother for ages. I miss her touch, her smell and just everything about her. Loud chattering, dissecting every problem to the roots and trying to solve it, (now she uses YouTube) nurturing new lives, by removing every dust particles, which are not wanted in our home. Mums, they do have the superpowers, to transform your ugly boring house to a cozy little home.

Ever since the day I have shifted to my new home, (I am calling this one home, because I have invested a lot of myself in this house) she has never been here to bless me. I need that double dose of positive energy or oxytocin (whatever we call it) right now, to keep me going straight. With the Christmas month, a weird realization occurred to me. I had the chance to see my father, twice or thrice a year, in 2018. But, I haven’t seen my mother for almost a year now! And that is something very stressful for my tiny brain! So, I need to see them. Please!

Image Source: Pexels

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