Dear Men Who Doubt #MeToo 

Women often become victims of sexual harassment on streets, workplaces and even in their own homes. Now finally with #MeToo when they are speaking about their pain, many men are not ready to believe them.  

Women often become victims of sexual harassment on streets, workplaces and even in their own homes. Now finally with #MeToo when they are speaking about their pain, many men are not ready to believe them.  

Dear Men who doubt #MeToo ,
Are trivializing it, jesting about it.
You don’t know what it feels like.

Having men talk to your chest instead of your face.
Walking around in the dark constantly looking behind to ensure you aren’t being followed.
Having a man decide the rules for your body.
Having a man reduce you to just a body.
Men deciding how you said something but meant it’s exact opposite.
Being called by everything but your name- cutie, hot, pataakha, sexy.
Men touching you, groping you at every opportunity. Rubbing themselves against you.
To have spaces where you can exist, easily shrink.
Every step you take, everything you say is a political step that either helps women go forward or all women go back. The enormity of every action.
Having someone tell you, you don’t have a sense of humour.
Having always been told it’s your fault. Everytime.
Having men abuse you fearlessly and publicly on social media platforms because you have an opinion.
Feeling scared to open a messages folder from an unknown man, wondering if you’ve been sent photos of his genitalia.
Choose your wardrobe dependent on the number of attacks possible and critical to ward off.
To keep a hand on a nozzle of pepper spray you carry.
To think before articulating your discomfort. 

You don’t understand how it feels.
So listen. Absorb. Feel. We are telling you what we desire.

A survivor. #MeTooIndia

Image Source – Pixabay

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About the Author

Saumya Baijal

Saumya Baijal, is a writer in both English and Hindi. Her stories, poems and articles have been published on, India Cultural Forum, The Silhouette Magazine, Feminism in India, Drunk Monkeys, Writer’s Asylum, read more...

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