No More Pity – We Are Mighty!

Women, Femininity, womanliness...the moment we hear these words we look upon them with PITY!

Women, Femininity, womanliness…the moment we hear these words we look upon them with PITY!

No – I am strongly against this as women are not some marginalised section of the society anymore

In fact they possess the power that can enamour!

Women are not just some show-pieces of make-up and Glamour

They are the goddesses of  nature

Gone are the days when divinity of Draupadi was marred by demonic hands

No more Agni Pariksha for Sita’s Purity to be scanned

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Our Identity of a ‘Woman’ from now would not end with emotions of Helplessness and Pity

But a Lady Shining in Armour with sword to fight mightily

And still with all the hardships the woman always looks Pretty!


I need no marriage to lose my virginity

I will give my self to someone who has respect for me and dignity

For even in wedlocks the relations have not been pure

Where rape was forced sex but marital rape was not

And even the laws could not provide women with it’s CURE!


I am an independent women now although even I had an ex

Who wouldn’t have been there with me if he couldn’t have got sex

And when I realized this you want to know what I did next?

I confronted him about all this in front of some women

Who supported my decision to break up with him

And now not just me but even those women were single since we all had been played when we came to know he was not just mine or her current boyfriend but three more girls called him by the term boyfriend.

And hence he lost all his partners at one go and now we women shared a Common-Ex

And we have no regrets to let him go!

Image via pexels



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