She Was Born To Fly

No matter how you try to curtail her, she will once again rise and fly. This poem is a tribute to the woman with an indomitable spirit who was born to fly.

No matter how you try to curtail her, she will once again rise and fly. This poem is a tribute to the woman with an indomitable spirit who was born to fly.

Cut her wings and she will fly

With much more rigor than ever you try

For she knows what’s artless and who’s sly

And all that because she is born to fly

Indomitable mind, resolute spirit

Her gleaming soul can never be trapped

Her depth of love, her breadth of thoughts

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Her intensity of endearment, never to be mapped

Only righteous can gauge, her true self and what where she’d stash

Don’t mistake her for a delicate bud

She’s a phoenix, can rise again from the ash

With roots on earth and dreams on sky

All that because she’s born to fly.

Image Source: Unsplash

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Shilpa Bamboria

Proud working mother of a ten year old with a passion to enlighten minds, lives and help women create a better world for themselves. read more...

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