Girl Grown Up = Wedding Preparations? My Mommy Cool Quashed All Queries About Them!

As soon as girls hit a certain age, queries about marriage start pouring in. In these times, isn't the parent who supports your dreams cool?

As soon as girls hit a certain age, queries about marriage start pouring in. In these times, isn’t the parent who supports your dreams cool?


Mother- Can’t you save some money? I know you have just started earning but that doesn’t mean that you will spend it anyway.
Me- Okay Aai. Sorry!
Anonymous (female)- Yes, she should start saving for her marriage.
Mother- Why marriage? Marriage is not the only motive in her life.


Anonymous (female)- So, what did you buy this Dhanteras?
Mother- I bought a ring and necklace for my daughter.
Anonymous (female)- Oh nice! Is the wedding preparation on?
Mother- Of course not. She loves wearing accessories.


In a wedding

Anonymous (male)- Nice wedding! You have a daughter and two sons. So, who is first in line for the wedding bells? Your daughter, right?
Mother- No. Her two elder brothers are first in line.
(And we started discussing our outfits for the same)

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In a clinic

Doctor- So, are you done with your graduation? What are you doing now?
Me- Yes. I got myself recruited in a business news channel.
Doctor (to my mother)- Good. I think you should start thinking about her marriage.
Mother- (smiling) No, it’s too early. She should concentrate on her career first.

These instances make me love my mother again and again. After such replies, the expression on the interrogator’s face is worth watching, while I barely managed to control my laughter when they fell into a deep well of awkwardness. (What a comic scene!)

Why is the world so interested in when girls are getting married? Don’t worry, these girls’ parents (or maybe the girls themselves) will invite you to have ‘free ka khana’ whenever they do get married. And they will also have an aesthetic hall for you to click pictures to post on your social media profiles. (Happy?)

I will not reiterate the mentality of all these because it is all well known, even though these thoughts are redundant. But such replies by your loved ones do give you the confidence to fight negative vibes. By being born and brought up in such an environment, you understand the importance of being independent in the early stages of your life itself. Not just for girls but for boys too.

But there’s a con for such an environment. I am always bombarded with questions (or thoughts) from my mother like:

  • Why don’t you have a driving license?
  • Why didn’t you hit the gym? It is not for being thin but for being fit!
  • When are you going to learn swimming?
  • Can’t you do all your bank account work by yourself?
  • Why are you not repairing your phone?

But these cons are overpowered by the pros in the real sense. The above list of instances is not a comprehensive one. But I just hope that the above mentioned anonymous people will try their level best to ask or react credibly.

Image source: YouTube

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Saili Chavan

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