A Child’s Smile Can Heal The Worst Of Wounds [#ShortStory]

"Her heart ached and a small tear escaped her eye. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, it was Shekhar, her husband."

“Her heart ached and a small tear escaped her eye. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, it was Shekhar, her husband.”

Once again the Desai residence was lit up. This time, the smell of rajnigandha was filling the house. It was the ‘Dohal Jewan‘ (term for god bharai /baby shower in Marathi) of their younger daughter in law, Gauri. Excitement was at its peak in the household and all were busy in preparations.

The most happy person today was Gayatri, the elder daughter in law of Desai family. To her, Gauri was like a younger sister, whom she adored a lot.

Soon it was time for the function to begin. Gayatri came to the hall to quickly check on if all was OK, specially the ‘jhoola‘ on which Gauri was supposed to sit. But this time, the jhoola was replaced by a sofa.

Her heart ached and a small tear escaped her eye. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, it was Shekhar, her husband. They both looked into each other’s eyes and tried to smile. There was a rush of emotions, which both of them recognized. Gayatri excused herself in guise of some work and Shekhar also let her go, for the better. This was not the correct time for their emotional outburst.

Gauri was brought to the hall. She was looking like a goddess, wearing a bottle green saree and green bangles. The flower ornaments just perfectly complemented her blooming face. Motherhood adds beauty to a woman which no cosmetic in the world can! The function was carried out, and all the guests blessed Gauri and her child. Mr and Mrs Desai were very happy for their younger son Rajiv and daughter in law Gauri and prayed for the well being of mother and child.

Later, after everyone left, Gayatri and Shekhar sat in the decorated hall, near the sofa, which had replaced the jhoola… Gayatri could not control herself anymore and cried her heart out. Shekhar simply held her close, without saying a word. No word could soothe her soul, he knew!

Two years ago too, the Desai residence had been similarly lit up. The smell of mogra (Gayatri’s favorite) filled the house. Everyone was at the peak of happiness, it was Dohal Jewan of the family’s eldest daughter in law, Gayatri. Mrs. Desai had left no stone unturned to make the occasion a grand affair. They had decorated a beautiful jhoola for the would be mom-to-be to sit on during the proceedings.

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Gayatri was looking her best today in a green saree and green bangles. The flower ornaments added to her beauty. Motherhood at its best! She sat on the beautifully decorated jhoola…and…thud – one of the hooks broke and the jhoola came down!

Gayatri was immediately rushed to the hospital. Gayatri and Shekhar lost their child. Not only this she also lost the ability to bear another child, she could never be a mother again…

Shekhar and Gayatri were distracted by a crying sound. “It must be Krishna…she must have woken up!” They both hurried to their room. Gayatri took the crying Krishna in her arms and started singing a lullaby to her. Soon little Krishna drifted off to sleep. She was having a sweet smile on her face. Looking at their daughter sleeping so peacefully Shekhar and Gayatri shed a tear of happiness and content. God had mercilessly snatched their child from them but gave them much more in the form of Krishna, their adopted daughter.

Author’s note: Medical science has progressed a lot and using IVF and other techniques many couples have been blessed with children, but these techniques drains a lot physically, emotionally as well as monetarily from the couple. Adoption, on the other hand, is only about happiness. Parents get a child and child gets parents. Please consider adoption, because a child’s smile can heal worst of the wounds.

Published here earlier.

Image source: flickr, for representational purposes only.

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About the Author

Noopur Bapat

Former software engineer by profession, currently a writer driven by passion. A content homemaker by choice and a happy mother by fortune! read more...

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