The Good Old Days! Childhood Nostalgia With #WomenOnTheMove

The sweltering heat, the smell of mangoes, the sight of the refreshing 'Shikanji' -- drowning in childhood nostalgia with #WomenOnTheMove.

The sweltering heat, the smell of mangoes, the sight of the refreshing ‘Shikanji‘ — drowning in childhood nostalgia with #WomenOnTheMove. 

“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again.”

Childhood – a time when we didn’t have to worry about any bills to pay or bosses to report to, no goals to meet or KPI’s to achieve, no groceries to buy, and no hour-long commutes to endure. The longest commute in those days meant cycling or walking to school or for some taking the school bus. And if you were the ‘lucky’ girl or boy living right beside the school, you were spared the hassle.

The best part of our childhood days were the vacations; and usually summers meant a super long vacation and loads of travel. Well, not only travel, summers also meant meeting our grandparents, getting pampered, no school, waking up late and most of all little to no studies.

Summer times also reminds me of ‘Mangoes‘. I remember in my maternal grandparent’s place there was a ginormous mango tree in the backyard with drooping down branches that almost touched the ground. Every year the mango tree was laden with delicious, finger-licking goodness and thanks to the hung down branches reaching them was child’s play. I also remember, April and May meant frequent thunder showers with blustery winds. In Bengali it is called ‘Kaal Boishakhi’. Although the thunder and lightening were pretty scary, I loved them. Know why? That meant the mangoes that were beyond reach, thanks to the gusty winds that accompanied the thunder and rains, were brought down & savored almost immediately. (Impish Smile)

Last week, we had our weekly #WomenOnTheMove chat over at Twitter, where we took a trip down the memory lane and re-visited our childhood memories of summer fun.

(If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Wednesday 6-7PM IST).

Summer vacations meant – endless banter with cousins. It is the clear winner!

One thing that you miss the most from the good old days that you wish you could do again?

Vacations were meant to be fun and not bogged down with ‘holiday homework’! But they did, always, love it or hate it!

And then there were more meaningful & productive ways to spend the holidays!

The best part of the super long vacations were…

Despite the heat, the cool food and the refreshing drinks made summers memorable!

Image: Shutterstock

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About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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