7 Simple Ways To Be A Woman Who Helps Other Women, Every Single Day!

Do we really help other women around us? Be it in at the workplace, home, or elsewhere in our day-to-day lives? Let's introspect!

Do we really help other women around us? Be it in at the workplace, home, or elsewhere in our day-to-day lives? Let’s introspect!

As a career driven woman, I sometimes wonder whether we really support our colleagues at work, especially whether we support female colleagues or help other women in our vicinity wherever we go. I am quoting these lines below to help us all recall the good thoughts behind these words:

“Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat people – your family, friends, and co-workers, and even strangers you meet along the way.” – Barbara Bush, Former First Lady, U.S

In the early years of our career or when we re-join after a career break, do our senior women colleagues support us? Sometimes while trying to go up the career ladder, women lose sight of the need to support other women or don’t care. Of course not all fall under this category; there are very kind, understanding and encouraging women bosses too.

Can we not show a little consideration and support for our junior colleagues instead of adopting a domineering approach? A little aid or smile can bring happiness to them. This world is already full of scuffles for women. Besides the hardships and troubles that they face, now women have to face up to office politics as well. Even though I believe that God has given more endurance to women, this is sometimes overlooked by a few due to their egotism and self-centred views. They forget their journey once they reach a senior position and are seen to be aloof towards junior colleagues. It is wrongly perceived that the less you talk to your juniors the more your value increases, which is not true in reality.

Each day starts with a struggle and we run a race starting from home to office and then vice versa. There are endless experiences happening each day where sometimes we forget to even breathe deeply. When we are incessantly fighting for gender equality, this difference in approach and behaviour should not be the case among women ourselves. If a woman can’t help other women through their struggles and hard times, then how can we attain the so-called equality for women today? Not only at the workplace, at home too, women, especially in-laws need to change their attitude towards other women. Even in local trains when we commute to work, we see women fighting with each other, viciously at times.

Could we change this? In some homes, fights between the saas-bahu are never ending. So as women, we need to think deeply and be the change in our society that others see and wish to follow.

Why should we be creating this rivalry after all? We don’t know the length of our lives; I believe it is better to be compassionate and loving towards others instead of being acrimonious and carrying a load of negativity through our whole life.

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How we can help other women – everyday!

  • If at all we cannot help other fellow human beings in need, at least don’t harm in any way.

  • Avoid needless gossip that deters the growth of others and self. Gossiping will never bring any benefit to those who are involved in it.

  • Offer a kind gesture whenever possible. At least we can try and help our subordinates as and when possible instead of competing due to trivial ego clashes.

  • Instead of looking for only faults in others, let us concentrate on more on the positives.

  • Give more constructive feedback than criticising; compliment and encourage other women often. Appreciating others will not degrade us whereas it will increase our confidence too.

  • Wherever we are, at home or office, let us be more open to suggestions and clear ego from our minds. This will create a peaceful atmosphere.

  • Offer others’ respect and be a good listener to the worries of those around us. (Whether it is your boss at work or mom or mother-in-law)

Most of us have nowadays forgotten to even smile – a smile can make ours’ as well as others’ day. Do smile often – instead of being serious always to get respect, let us strive to make this world a little more happier and jovial.

Eventually the satisfaction we get from helping others is more than we derive from anything else. Our strength lies in truly supporting others! When women empower other women, great things get done.

Top image via Pexels

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About the Author

Vidya Raj

A poet by heart, environmental and social activist,she is keen on social issues concerning women, children, nature lover and a dreamer.  She desires to bring transformation in the mind of people raising voice on read more...

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