I Resigned From A Job After Just 1 Day; But Here’s What I Learnt

Have you ever resigned from a job after a very short time? What made you do it? Why do some jobs not work for some people? Here's excellent personal insight.

Have you ever resigned from a job after a very short time? What made you do it? Why do some jobs not work for some people? Here’s excellent personal insight.

2016 was one hell of a year for me, and as it slowly came to an end, the adventure seemed to be quadrupling. I forgive God for being tipsy while writing these chapters of my life, but he kept me sane all this while; so that’s reason enough for not being entirely ungrateful.

Without getting into the specific reasons, I confess – I accepted a work offer, registered my attendance on the first day and resigned on the next. There’s a reason why they say learn from an experienced person! This was one legendary milestone crossed inadvertently, and the episode is now engraved in my mind forever, for having taken this step, despite the circumstances.

I am here to share the capsules of my wisdom thus acquired so that you don’t repeat my mistakes. Moreover, there is no feeling of remorse for having taken the step that I did, so yay! It is still a positive sign. Here then, are my learnings.

1.Choose your place of work wisely: You are going to be giving around 40% of your entire day to this place of work for the next few years, so you better be sure if you really want to do this.

2. The atmosphere matters more than the actual work: Work atmosphere is a primary factor that determines your productivity. Therefore, do not compromise on the quality of the atmosphere where you would obviously try to give your best according to your abilities.

3. The vibes: Trust me, they work wonders if they start working in your favour. It works quite strongly in my case, so I kind of blindly give full marks to what the vibes tell me about any person, place or circumstance. The first impression, the first notion or that sensation that runs through you when you set foot in your workplace should actually determine whether you should continue spending any more time there.

4. The scope to grow: There is nothing wrong in thinking more about yourself than you do about the organization you work for. Any place of work you choose must guarantee a scope of honing your skills, becoming a better professional and leaving your mark in the bigger picture. The organisation after all, thinks of you as a propelling tool to become bigger and better and you doing the same is no crime.

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3 Ps: Thanks to my husband for giving me this piece of valuable information, for this resolves all confusion for me regarding choosing from job offers with just a simple piece of mathematics. Place, Position and Package – if any two of these factors better your standing in the market from where you currently are, you must give that offer a hug. Place refers to the brand; position, obviously refers to the designation you are offered and package needs no definition. Therefore, a simple bit of mathematics and voila! You know your next move.

I would say that it is better to wait for the right opportunity than to jump on to anything that comes your way. I agree that desperate circumstances call for desperate measures and that is why it is better to clear your stand while you are still in a job.

There are times when we are bereft of any good offers and we seriously start to doubt all our knowledge and expertise, but I would still suggest that you take it easy. Things will eventually fall into place and all that you need to do meanwhile is keep preparing for the time whenever ‘that’ opportunity knocks at your door. Stay positive and never let your identity fade away with the challenges you face. Stay strong and keep that trust intact!

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About the Author

Cheena Chopra

Cheena Chopra is a digital publishing professional since a decade and loves working with, on and around digital content. She loves to write for a variety of media and read good content. Her favorite genres, read more...

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