Unmana Datta Reaches Out To Entrepreneurs With The Art Of Effective Content Marketing

Unmana Datta breaks content marketing down for you. Bite sized lessons for entrepreneurs, leading to targeted content delivery.

Unmana Datta breaks content marketing down for you. Bite sized lessons for entrepreneurs, leading to targeted content delivery.

Content marketing is a strategic and critical marketing approach which enables distribution of valuable and relevant content to targeted audiences. This leads to customer acquisition thereby driving sales and revenues. In today’s digital age, it is imperative for entrepreneurs and startups to hone their content marketing strategy to enable growth in businesses.

Unmana Datta, a seasoned content marketer, believes that content marketing need not be expensive or time and resource intensive. She says, “It is one of the easiest things to do and is indeed one of the cheapest marketing platforms to use, because it is essentially free.”

She emphasizes on clarity of thought and consistency in vision while framing a content marketing strategy – one which uses original and useful content, which creates a connect with prospective clients and enables them to take a decision regarding using a product or a service.

Unmana Datta urges entrepreneurs to use content marketing as opposed to traditional advertising methods, because entrepreneurs clearly understand their product, the gap they are striving to fill and their client’s requirements.

It also helps in a situation where entrepreneurs are strapped for resources and are often looking at a results driven marketing framework, with a quick turnaround time, leading to faster customer acquisition.

She says that the content format does not really matter. One could use blog posts, videos or pictures with a line of text and make it work equally well. The key is to figure out which platform works best, the medium to showcase it online and a clear cut methodology to drive the content into a space where prospective clients can easily reach you.

It is also important to put out platform appropriate content on social media. This enables diversification of the customer base and also helps you create a coherent brand identity.

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So, content marketing does appear appealing, especially for fledgling, cash strapped entrepreneurs. Go ahead, use Unmana’s tips and tricks to create your own kickass content marketing strategy and let us know how it works for you.

Watch Unmana Datta speak in this video


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About the Author

Shruti Parija

I have been in love with the written word for the longest time now. I have had the opportunity to intern with Women's Web in 2016, and continue to remain a proud member of read more...

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