#BreakingBarriers: What Do Entrepreneurs Need To Grow?

Women entrepreneurs are as ambitious and hard-working as their male counterparts. With some support, we can and will break all barriers!

Women entrepreneurs are as ambitious and hard-working as their male counterparts. With some support, we can and will break all barriers!

Women turn entrepreneurs for many reasons; to fulfil a passion, to cater to a need in the market, to get back to work in a more flexible manner, to give back to society….

Some women turn entrepreneurs when they reject an existing career and instead, find their true passion. Some women turn entrepreneur to capitalise on the skills acquired from their work life.

For some, working on your own is a better way of balancing work-life goals. For many others, entrepreneurship is about the chance to create something innovative, unique, be the best at something, or employ others and create a positive workplace.

Whatever your reason, as entrepreneurs, we all need:

  • Motivation to keep growing at work
  • Awareness of what is keeping us from growing and
  • Networks to help us grow.

Here at Women’s Web, we have always been recording the growth story of women entrepreneurs in India, and our #BreakingBarriers to Growth workshop is meant to support you, as a woman who is an entrepreneur, or planning to be one.

Why women entrepreneurs need networks

While we are as ambitious and hard-working as any male entrepreneur, women still face certain unique challenges – be it our own assertiveness or risk-taking abilities, skepticism from some in the market, or work-life balance issues that still continue to bigger for women.

Therefore, we also get a special boost when we meet up and learn, together with other women reaching for the stars! For women turning to entrepreneurship after a break, it is also a great chance to create some new networks that will help your fledging business or freelance activity.

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Takeaways from #BreakingBarriers

Women’s Web’s Step Above series is meant to give women at work a big boost, and we’re starting with the first event for this year, Breaking Barriers to Business Growth

This is a “workshop-plus” format with coaching sessions and talks from inspiring women entrepreneurs who have crossed early hurdles and grown their businesses.

The coaching sessions will be led by Coach Bhavna Toor of Shenomics which works with women to achieve their leadership potential, and Raghavendra Badaskar, AVP-Consulting, Intellecap, which supports start-ups and SMEs with tested tools to scale up their businesses. Their tools include essentials such as business model creation, market sizing and validation from customers.

I believe that participants will go back with three key take-aways:

  • Insight into what is acting as a barrier to their own growth, whether that is an internal or external hurdle – recognising what is keeping one from growing as an entrepreneur is the first step
  • Motivation and potential way-forward from the stories of other entrepreneurs who have grown past these networks
  • Better networks to aid in the growth journey, whether as customers, vendors, advisors or even just a sounding board.

While the event is being held in Bangalore (14th March) and Mumbai (20th March), there are “virtual seats” to enable those who cannot make it in person, to watch the event from their desks (or even on their phones!)

Registrations here: http://bit.ly/break-barriers

(And if you face any issues with registrations, drop us an email at [email protected], and one of us will be happy to help!)

Top pic of success via Shutterstock


About the Author

Aparna Vedapuri Singh

Founder & Chief Editor of Women's Web, Aparna believes in the power of ideas and conversations to create change. She has been writing since she was ten. In another life, she used to be read more...

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