From Finance To Floss: Everyday Good Habits That Make You Happier

Happiness may arise in the moment, but it is often the result of good decisions made over years. Take a look at these everyday good habits we need!

Happiness may arise in the moment, but it is often the result of good decisions made over years. Take a look at these everyday good habits we need!

Happiness! A simple word that is the essence of the entire human race. Whatever we do today, we do to make us anticipating future happiness.

That’s not being selfish; that is in fact the absolutely correct way to enjoy this gift we have, called life. In a life span of 30 years I have lived a million moments wherein I went through a gamut emotions but the irony was that many of them weren’t mine! They manifested out of the insecurities of people around me.

I learnt my lesson, that a life spent in making others happy and focusing on others’ choices is definitely a life wasted.

Instead, it is our choices and actions that matter, because the actions we take today will affect life in the future.

Here is my list to ensure that whatever happens a few years from now, my past actions would have ensured some balm on my future battered heart!

Exercise, exercise!

Work that butt off, for the more you move that body now, the better it will treat you when you are touching your fifties. The stratagem is simple; pick up any of the below, make it a routine and voilà! You will be paying back your body for all that it has done for you.

  1. Gym: Grab a gym membership – looking at others workout is great motivation, trust me.
  2. Beat the morning blues: walking, running, jogging…chose what suits your body the best and go ahead with it. 30 minutes of pure bliss and fresh oxygen is something your lungs would thank you for in the long run.
  3. Yoga: From Pranayama to more complex asanas, with a Guru and some time at hand anyone can do it at a level that suits them.

Track your finances

I learnt this one from my personal experience. My husband taught me really early in our marriage that if your money is sorted then that’s directly proportional to a sorted life. My hacks are yours now.

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  1. Save! Save! Save! Keep aside a separate savings account and connect it to your salary account. Even if it is a small amount, set up an ECS to transfer an amount each month on a specific date.
  2. Have an ally: It’s important to share all your financial details with your partner; sadly the truth is that we are not joined at the hip, and many a times, when one is not around, the other one is at a loss of financial account. And yes, money can’t buy happiness but it surely can take care of a lot.

Watch this video below on maintaining the ‘My Money Book’ – indeed the answer to the pray of many who find it hard to keep track of their investments.

If you are married, maintaining a ‘My Money Book’ with your spouse is a great way to discuss your financials as well as your long-term financial security and happiness. The My Money Book ensures that your marriage is a true partnership where you are both involved and aware of how your finances are invested.

Eat right

Believe me, the time at which you have your meals impacts your overall nutrition. Here are some other things to consider:

  1. Eat them raw: People who consume a lot of fruits and vegetables in their diet are the ones whose gut is the happiest.
  2. H2O: Your body needs water and that is not a myth. Drinking 8 glasses or more of water a day, is essential to staying hydrated and healthy.

Spend time with your children

The only plausible way we get to experience unadulterated innocence is by being with a child. My son is my source of happiness and I realized that by being with him I was not just tending to his needs but also teaching him amazing stuff unconsciously. And in return he takes care of stress-busting for me, and helps me discover the kid in myself. Time invested in your child is never wasted. (And remember presents don’t substitute for presence.)

Brush and floss

Repeat after me, I will brush twice a day. Now after all the pearls of wisdom this might sound like a measly thing. But the truth is that brushing and flossing now is easier than dental visits later, not to forget those awful dentures. (My grandparents are living proof of this fact.) So pick up this habit now to smile at all your happy moments in the future.

These big and small ideas for a happy future are things that truly work for me. Share your own habits for happiness too!

This post was supported by Exide Life Insurance. Take a look at the handy ‘My Money Book’ below!


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