“Your Life, Your Story”. Aparna Athreya Weaves Stories For Children To Teach Them

“Every life is a story. Make yours a best seller.” And, Aparna Athreya, founder of Kids and Parents foundation is a living testimony to this adage.

“Every life is a story. Make yours a best seller.” And, Aparna Athreya, founder of Kids and Parents Foundation is a living testimony to this adage.

Having worked among the big IT giants like Cognizant, Infosys and TCS across a span of 17 years, Aparna Athreya moved into the field of education, by choice. And, it is this choice that added entrepreneurship to her list of achievements!

It is often said and believed that, story telling is the greatest art of all times. It reaches into the sub conscious minds of its listeners and, manoeuvres their thoughts in untold ways towards various windows. No wonder, children love to hear stories all the time. After all, a message with a story works wonders.

So, while Aparna channelled her energies into the forte of story telling wherein she engaged many groups of children with her captivating art, she was approached by a parent of a six year old child with an issue. The mother shared with Aparna her challenges and struggles of connecting with her own child.

It was this profound conversation that became Aparna’s ‘lighting of the bulb’ moment. This incident sowed the seed of entrepreneurship in her mind and, it later germinated into Kids and Parents Foundation, a dream that caught wings to fly with Aparna’s art in weaving stories for children.

Today the foundation trains, coaches and mentors children, adults and people at corporate levels to identify the core issues in their lives, through stories. It has roped in many development experts like counsellors, psychologists, development specialists and educators who conduct myriad structured development programs for everyone, including corporates.

Aparna Athreya’s Kids and Parents Foundation runs training programs for schools, institutes and NGOs too. The mission of this program is to help an individual rediscover self in a whole new light.

The rediscovery of self leads a person towards embracing his or her verve to dream big, visualize a goal in life and, work hard towards pursuing the goal with a renewed vigour. Aparna exemplifies how love and passion for a chosen vocation brings success in spades without having to run behind it.

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As a part of Breaking Barriers, Aparna Athreya’s Kids and Parents Foundation has truly brought out the life mantra that Aparna lives by, “Never let the child in you grow up!” After all, every life is a story in making. So, why not make it a best seller? Right? Right.

Watch Aparna Athreya speak in this video

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About the Author

Narayani Karthik

A software engineer in the past, a content writer, an amateur blogger, an avid reader and traveler, an engaging conversationalist, an army wife, a pre school teacher and importantly, an incurable optimist! read more...

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