How Anu Krishna Set Up A Business That In Turn Inspires Other Women To Become Entrepreneurs

The thought of creating something indigenous and organic gave birth to Word Weave, the brain child of Anu Krishna!

The thought of creating something indigenous and organic gave birth to Word Weave, the brain child of Anu Krishna!

Passion is the key ingredient for success and, success comes to those who take the first leap out of their comfort zone to seek what they love to do. Every individual, when they realize their passion, their love for a vocation, their dream to create and expand their goal, has duly arrived in the world of success. What follows later is, the persistence and perseverance that are needed to reach the goal post. And, this is exactly what Anu Krishna’s Word Weave is all about!

“The urge to impact people in a big way” as quoted by Anu Krishna, is a big statement in itself.

Anu is not just a coach whose mission in life is to spruce up communication skills in people, but also, to sow the seed of entrepreneurship in teenagers and women. Her firm, Word Weave conducts workshops on creative writing for children in the age group 8-11.

The other workshops include personal branding and responsive communication in English for teenagers and adults that is intended to help individuals gain confidence, and unleash their potential in their personal and professional space.

When asked about how she realized her dream of Word Weave, she explains that she had to rebel against herself to take the first baby steps into the world of entrepreneurship. Her moment of epiphany arrived when her determination to make a difference took shape from the very thought of a becoming an entrepreneur.

“People and their emotions come first, the other missing pieces find their way into the jigsaw puzzle.” That is how Anu’s Word Weave has grown by leaps and bounds. Her current aim is to provide as many children as possible with important lessons on personal development and creative writing that shall help them unlock their creative potential.

As a part of Breaking Barriers, Anu Krishna is a perfect example of a super woman with a cape and a magic wand, who weaves magic with her words. A Commerce graduate from University of Bombay, she has donned multiple hats through her career, as an auditor, as an operations lead in a software start up firm and as a certified creative writer (associated with the Writers’ Bureau UK). She has written many short stories that have been published online and, in print. And intermittently, she freelances for Deccan Herald and writes on topics pertaining to education, travel, art and culture. She is also an aspiring NLP coach.

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A woman can break through the glass ceiling. And, hard work, dedication and attention to detail ensures the realization of her beautiful dream. Anu Krishna has proved it!

Watch Anu Krishna speak in this video

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About the Author

Narayani Karthik

A software engineer in the past, a content writer, an amateur blogger, an avid reader and traveler, an engaging conversationalist, an army wife, a pre school teacher and importantly, an incurable optimist! read more...

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