The 7 Most Bizarre Questions That Women Have Faced! Feel Free To Add Yours.

Been there, faced that! Here are 7 most bizarre questions our readers have come across. Check how many matches yours.

Been there, faced that! Here are 7 most bizarre questions our readers have come across. Check how many match yours.

We all have faced those curve-balls sometime in our lives, questions that have left us speechless. No, not because they were difficult to answer but because those inane questions deserved to be boycotted.

We asked our readers whether they ever have been in such a situation in their lives where they were left grappling for answers. Here are the 7 most weird ones.

Late second pregnancy means ‘Baby Boy’ guaranteed! Yayyy!!

My elder child is a girl and the younger one a boy. I have always wanted two children regardless of the gender. There is a six year age difference between them, again a planned decision. The most bizarre question I got asked after the second one’s birth was, “Did you take the second chance so late to get a son after your first daughter?” I mean c’mon! What kind of twisted mind would come up with that. – Pramilla Joshi Kulkarni


Short? Wear Heels! Look taller! Tall? No groom! Future doomed!

The most annoying question: “You are just 5’1″. You should wear heels to look taller..”

My reply: Why should I give burden to my muscles just because you can’t adjust your focus?!?!?
And who says 5’1″ is shorter? If I am in a group of taller people, I would ask them to let me go ahead, and if they won’t allow me, then I know how to find my way anyway… – Ridhdhi Parekh

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I am 5’7″, and often accused of being way too tall. No matter what size or shape you are, they will always find a way to ridicule you. – Aprajita Jha


I choose to keep my professional & personal lives separate. Period.

I like to write relationship stories. Ppl think I’m a counselor and have all answers to relationship problems. – Kanchana Banerjee

You studied psychology. Can u read minds? Gosh we need to be careful around you. – Divya Ratan

I am constantly asked if I write Erotica because I write Romance. The other thing, am I super sexually experienced because I write Romance. As if having a wild imagination and a grasp of the human condition is not enough. – Aarti V Raman


Scared! Why? You got to be kidding me!!

I am an only child, so is my daughter. When I cremated my father I was asked – Weren’t you scared? I mean of what… my father’s last rites, doing it alone, or being a daughter. – Pooja Sharma Rao


I have reached the child-bearing age! Damn everyone knows except me!

“Oh do you have kids? No. You should plan it is already late for you. You have crossed 30.” The whole world knows it’s late except me! – Chanchal Badsiwal


News Flash! Progressive thinking & religion are mutually exclusive.

It’s really annoying when well educated and progressive minded people ask me how I can be a feminist whilst wearing a hijab. I wish they’d see that my faith does not hinder me from being an independent free thinking woman. – Rizowana Hussaini


I got a divorce because I refused to take my life for granted! I decided to take control.

Don’t you like married life that you chose divorce? – Ch Urmila


If you have more to add then please feel free to add them in the comments below.

Image: Surprised woman from Shutterstock


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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