Raising You Right, My Son! [Poem]

A mother looks at raising a son who will become a man with the right values, while hiding from him the truth of his birth to protect him.

A mother looks at raising a son who will become a man with the right values, while hiding from him the truth of his birth to protect him.

He has my eyes
Almond-shaped and blue,
And a smile so soft
Like the morning dew.

He holds my finger
With a trust so deep,
A miracle so divine
My love would reap.

He is my son
Yes my very own,
The last promise
That I’d never be alone.

He points to the stars,
With an innocent smile
My Daddy’s up there!”
I play along my wile.

Half mine and half yours,
The father he never saw
It’s been long since you left
But the pain is still raw.

The emptiness of you gone,
Haunted me for days.
Until he came to my life
Rescued with his embrace.

That night was enchanting
Your love seemed so pure,
I was uninhibited yet coy
Mesmerized in your allure.

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Was this my destiny,
Or a willful choice?
I ask myself time and again
When I hear his cheery voice.

He thinks you are with God,
I protect him with all my might.
The truth is harsh and cruel
Still shivers me with fright.

For you are in this very world
Alive and aware
An old flame is all I am to you,
Not worth your care.

They say time heals all pain
But time is eternity
Days and nights of sorrow,
A struggle for serenity.

The void you have created
Consumes my heart in its prime.
But I choose to forgive you
For the sake of this lifetime.

I could argue with God
That life has been unfair
But the joy that he brings me,
Makes my heart repair.

To make him a good man,
Is all I live for any more.
May he never be the reason
For another woman’s sore.

Published earlier here.

Image source: mother and son by Shutterstock.


About the Author


I like to write about the problems that have plagued the Indian society. I feel that the concept of gender equality is still alien , and that has been the focus of my articles and posts. read more...

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