What I Learnt About Being An Entrepreneur As A Mom To My 5 Year Old

You would think motherhood and entrepreneurship don’t have much in common. Not so. Mothers can make great entrepreneurs.

You would think motherhood and entrepreneurship don’t have much in common. Not so. Mothers can make great entrepreneurs.

There is much that motherhood has in common with entrepreneurship! In fact, I think all mothers would make fantastic entrepreneurs, since motherhood really teaches you skills that will hold you in great stead as an entrepreneur!

Here’s what I learned about entrepreneurship from my (super naughty, super cute) 5 year old!

How to function (effectively!) on little or no sleep

All mothers are super at this! Be ‘on’ all day, but you can’t even switch off at night!

The first few months of motherhood ensured that my attitude to sleep was altered forever! From my earlier avatar of being a zombie the next day when I didn’t manage my full 8 hours, I’m now recharged and ready when morning comes, even after a night of very little sleep!

In the early months of entrepreneurship, between 2 babies at home and my new ‘work’ baby, this is a skill that’s been really essential!

How to be a confident and effective decision maker

As a mom, you have to make so many decisions. And your decisions have consequences!

You are responsible for a whole other little person. That’s a huge weight of responsibility, and it teaches you to think before you act, evaluate consequences when making decisions, and to have confidence in your gut.

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All this teaches you to be a great decision maker. And all entrepreneurs have to be great decision makers!

How to make these often super important decisions very quickly

Toddler tantrum in the middle of the supermarket? No time to really think a whole lot – you have to act.

Baby fell off the bed and bumped his head! Who decides what to do? You!

When? Now! Being a mom teaches you to take sometimes even the toughest decisions in a heartbeat. There isn’t time for anything else.

How to be 5 different people at once!

For my daughter, I’ve learned to be a doctor, a storyteller, a driver, a party planner, a chef and oh so much more – all in a day!

Great practice for entrepreneurship – where I’ve had to be an accountant, CEO, intern, lawyer, social media moghul all rolled into one!

How having fun and loving what you do makes even the hardest days seem worth it!

Really no explanation required here. Being a mom can sometimes seem like the hardest job in the whole world – but undoubtedly the most rewarding!

And that’s true for entrepreneurship too. My start up is my baby – it takes a lot of hard work (and a piece of my soul!) to nurture it, but every last drop of sweat and tears is worth it!

Image source:  working mom with 5 year old by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Ashni Dwarkadas

Ashni is an entrepreneur and a mom to 2 kids under the age of 5. She is the co-founder for Koffeeplace.com, an online portal for women professionals looking to return to their careers read more...

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