Love? No, That Is Stalking. Frightening And Destructive.

While the world was getting inebriated in shots of love on Valentine’s day, a young woman faced obsessive love, what could be called stalking.

While the world was getting inebriated in shots of love on Valentine’s day, a young woman faced obsessive love, what could be called stalking.

It is every girl’s fantasy that she finds a man who falls head over heels in love with her. And if the guy fights goons and rescues the damsel in distress, it would be an icing on the cake. This is the paradigm that our screen heroes often follow to win over the heart of their lady love. Really? This is in reality, stalking.

Stalkers are on a prowl in broad daylight. This is not the first case where a woman was harassed by a stalker. In 2011, Delhi witnessed a blood curling incident when a twenty year old girl was shot dead by a man who was following her since long and who could not bear the fact that she declined his amorous advances on Valentine’s day.

This brings me to another pivotal factor. Why is it so difficult for men to accept rejection in love? It is apparent that it is not imperative that a woman will reciprocate your feelings every time. And more so, women like men who are ‘truly madly deeply’ in love with them but if it fringes towards obsession, they run for their life.

How does one become a stalker? Stalking does not necessarily result from a mental disorder. So what do we do that helps in plummeting the rise of the stalker.

Talking about relationships with your children

It is not mandatory that only less educated individuals, hailing from the lower strata of society will turn into obsessed lovers. Anyone can. So, from early on, do not shy away from talking about relationships with your children. Tell them, that it is fine if a girl or boy does not reciprocate your feelings. Life goes on. Also, if you are open with your children, they will not think twice about informing you if in case they feel threatened by someone.

Do not hesitate in involving the authorities

If it so happens that you are being stalked by someone, however harmless it may seem to you, do not prolong in informing the police. You never know, when the stalker turns venomous enough to hurt you. Also, if you are constantly being watched and followed, it instills fear and anxiety which indeed is not healthy for your mind.

Inform trusted people about your whereabouts

Today, everyone carries a smartphone with a number of applications to boast of. So, use these to ensure your safety. Keep your parents and friends aware of your whereabouts. By doing so you would be creating a safe zone around you.

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Ask for help

Do not dismiss eve-teasing and stalking as an ordinary acts. Feel free to ask help from people and avoid setting foot into a secluded area as it would further put you at risk. Mingle in the crowd and if feasible, call someone immediately to be by your side.

Take it seriously

Many a times it so happens that victims do not confess such cases to their parents as they do not want them to be overtly concerned or they feel it is not so grave an issue. If you are being followed by someone, it is a matter of concern. You ought to intimate the same to your loved ones so that some action can be taken.

Put the blame where it should be

Family members on their part need to understand that it is not the victim’s fault if they are been stalked.

Spurned lovers and stalkers in the recent past have not only mentally harassed their victims but have also ended many a young lives. The young girl from Snapdeal was fortunate enough to have come alive out of the claws of the pining lover but no one can gauge as to what mental agony she would have gone through.

Published earlier here.

Image source: youtube.


About the Author

Meha Sharma

Meha has worked as a Business Analyst in an elite IT firm and as a full time professor in management colleges. Having earned an MBA degree in Human Resource Management and an MA degree in read more...

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