How To Stick To Your Fitness Resolution, Without Hating Yourself For Making It

Though we tend to make fitness resolution at the beginning of the year, we end up failing in keeping them. Here are small, simple steps that will help you sticking to your resolution.

Though we tend to make fitness resolution at the beginning of the year, we end up failing in keeping them. Here are  small, simple steps that will help you sticking to your resolution.

The first week of the new year is a period of change and opportunities: a large chunk of it owing to the resolutions we optimistically make. One of the most common ones we make, and consequently break, year after year, is to be healthier. To be more fit. Gym subscriptions are bought, diets are embraced – and, eventually, neglected.

Why not break the cycle this year? These small, simple steps might be all that you need to make the change in 2016.

Find Out What Works For You

The easiest way to stick to your resolution is to identify what works for you, and more importantly, what doesn’t. A strict regime, without any cracks or loopholes,might be the key for some; whereas, others might prefer to gradually introduce more exercise into their lives. From something as simple as sticking to a sleep cycle that energizes you, to identifying and capitalizing on the hours you feel most motivated – it isn’t a question of being right or wrong, it’s merely adopting a method that will work best for you.

Make It Fun

When you view a task as a chore, you cannot help but associate it with a negative connotation; it joins the list of irksome responsibilities, and there they remain untouched.Instead, make the activity fun: coax a friend to join you on your morning run.Fit lunges and sit-ups during the breaks of your favorite show, or better yet, perform crunches or squats every time a character resorts to a behavioral trait expected of them. You could also try listening to playlists or catching up on podcasts.

Break It Down

Another factor that constantly persuades us away from our resolutions is it’s ostensible magnitude: it simply seems too big to make happen, which is why it’s important to be practical in your actions even if you do dream big. If your resolution is to eat healthier, begin by consciously having one healthy meal a day, before aiming for a complete change in your diet. The little things will get you far closer to your goal than you realize.

Use Technology

We belong to a period that is identified for it’s technological advancements, it only makes sense to use it. Find apps that will help you keep track of your health habits. Discover new routes, and keep track of your trajectory; these pocket friendly machines could also provide you with support, encouragement and gentle nudges if required.

The list is limitless. The device that is constantly on your fingertips could remind you to drink water, block out distractions, wake you up without disturbing your REM sleep, and even initiate a virtual Zombie Apocalypse for you to outrun.

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Most Importantly, Love Yourself

In a capitalistic society that does unfortunately thrive on perfection, and our fear of being imperfect, it is easier than you think to be caught in an endless chase for an ideal that does not exist. A vicious cycle of negative self esteem, a persistent feeling of hopelessness: these will follow, not the progress you’re looking for.

Remember, your goal is to be the best version of you that is possible: one that is healthy, happy and energized. Invest towards that, rather than focusing on losing weight, or finally getting your body to resemble a particular shape.

Give yourself the adequate meals you require, get the activity and exercise your body seeks; stick to a sleep schedule that keeps you refreshed, and pamper and love yourself without shame. Everything else is irrelevant.

Cover images via Shutterstock


About the Author

Harshitha Murali

A feminist whose idea of feminism is not just fighting for equality but also telling stories of people whose struggle drives the feminist movement forward. Also, a student. But that's not important. read more...

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