Meet Amrisha Ahuja, Life Coach And Healer: Honoring Her Calling In Life

Amrisha Ahuja is a life coach and healer in Delhi, who has helped many to heal and come out of their limiting belief systems. This is her story.

Amrisha Ahuja is a life coach and healer in Delhi, who has helped many to heal and come out of their limiting belief systems. This is her story.

If you enter her office in Rajouri Garden, Delhi, you will be welcomed with colorful walls. Though her office executes a lot of brightness, she brings within her peace and a sense of assurance. Meet Amrisha Ahuja, life coach and healer, who has been working in the city for a few years.

Born and brought up in Delhi, Amrisha decided to study psychology in her 10th grade after reading about multiple personality disorder in Sidney Sheldon’s book “Tell me your dreams.” After 12th standard she took up psychology at Indraprastha College, Delhi University. In her own words, her life went through different synchronicity. In her second year of college, on a lazy day, she was surfing through TV channels. In one of the channel, she heard a conversation about Reiki. That drew her a lot.

On doing some research, she found out that there were two choices, one which taught in a group for two days and another individually for 21 days. There was no one to guide her. That day she was reading, Robin Sharma’s book, “The monk who sold his Ferrari.” The moment she opened the book, it had a chapter that said, that anything you wanted to become a habit, you need it to do it for 21 days. Her choice was clear.

After a year, she went to Mumbai to pursue her Masters in psychology. While doing her masters she got more and more interested in many alternate healing therapies like hypnotherapy, past life regression, EFT healing and so on. That was when she decided to be a healer and life coach rather than being a traditional psychologist. She added that she found traditional psychology very limiting because it labeled everything. And everything needed to be tested. Thus she started teaching healing to very young children in an NGO. She was even interested in acting and featured in few short films and ads. But one day, she deeply felt the need of expanding her work and open it for everyone. That is when she moved back to Delhi to her parent’s home and opened her own place of healing and counseling and named it ‘The Healing Island.’

As, we started to converse more, she said how alternate healing has helped so many people. Interestingly most of her clients are women, from various backgrounds and economic strata. She says, that no matter what we are facing today, most of the time the problem stems from our childhood. It can be anything, starting from relationship to money issues, we all end up replicating our parents in one way or other. And interestingly once that issue is dealt with, the problem disappears.

She adds, that most problems stems from unconscious parenting. Parents don’t realize that what they say and do stays with the child forever and how in adult life it becomes a defining factor. And most importantly, how parents treat each other and the child almost creates the future patterns of the child. She says that parents need to really know, if they are ready to have a child; rather than just going for one.

As the conversation continued she talked about so many women who comes with some issue or other, but finally through hypnotherapy, they recall that they were sexually abused as kids. Many don’t even remember it, which she says in a defense mechanism of the mind, called repression. She says with a pause that many women come with low self esteem issues too.

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Now, she also has summer classes for children, where she helps them to manage concentration and let go of limiting beliefs. She also holds mindfulness workshops and self esteem workshop for corporate houses. She also teaches different methods of healing and meditations in many workshops she conducts.

She tells, that healing is not what she does, it is what the person accepts from within. Healing is nothing but a change of energy, a way into looking at life or an incident through a new awareness. In short healing is awareness.

Recently she has begun doing access bars which is a therapy of 32 energy spots on the head, which gives out electromagnetic waves. This therapy releases the limiting belief system we have about ourselves that stops us from living the life we desire. She has been teaching it to children too.

So, that is her life, meeting clients and figuring out what hurts and which story to let go. And teaching people a new way to life.

As we almost ended the conversation, I asked her, when will this extreme violence that goes around every day end. She replied, “A new awareness begins.”

“Life has your back. Everything in your life no matter how ugly it seems is working for you, to take you to a better and higher awareness.”

Finally as I bade her goodbye, I put up my last question, “What is that one thing you know for sure?” She replied, “Life has your back. Everything in your life no matter how ugly it seems is working for you, to take you to a better and higher awareness.”

I ended the conversation and walked towards the gate, but just before leaving, I just asked her one last question, “How do we know, what to choose; life always gives so many choices?” She said, “Every good choice makes you feel light.”

Infact as I walked out to the busy streets I felt light. Maybe meeting her was a good choice.

You can connect with her via Facebook.

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Paromita Bardoloi

Proud Indian. Senior Writer at Women's Web. Columnist. Book Reviewer. Street Theatre - Aatish. Dreamer. Workaholic. read more...

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