Sangeeta Speaks To Her Son About Sexual Harassment: #ShareYourStory [Video]

A mother talks to her son about her own experiences of sexual harassment on streets. She asks her son to see women and girls as his equal and respect their bodily autonomy.

A mother  talks to her son about her own experiences of sexual harassment on streets. She asks her son to see women and girls as his equal and respect their bodily autonomy.

#ShareYourStory is an initiative by Breakthrough to bring the conversation around sexual harassment into families; to get women talking about the harassment they have experienced with their family members, especially sons (or other boys and young men.)

Have you ever spoken to your son about your difficult experiences of being harassed? It isn’t easy to begin conversation about an everyday experience that women push away to continue their lives. But these conversations must be had.

In this video, Sangeeta Goel talks to her son about her own experiences of sexual harassment on streets. She describes with great pain what happened and how she felt in those moments when a stranger invaded her friend’s body. Most women experience sexual harassment on the streets and maybe even within their homes from an early age. But they are accustomed to keep silent about it or worse ignore it. There is a fear that women feel when they are alone on the roads late at night or even in groups.

She speaks about the pain her friend felt in those moments. She asks her son to see women and girls as his equal and respect their bodily autonomy.The video ends poignantly with a message of hope about allowing women to live and sleep in peace.



About the Author

Srinidhi Raghavan

Reader. Feminist. Poetry lover. Feisty. Emotional. Introverted. Passionate. Believes in human rights for all. Tries to write about all of these things. read more...

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