This New Year Pledge To Support Women Empowerment: Here Are 5 NGOs You Can Volunteer For Or Donate

This new year, we list 5 NGOs you can volunteer or donate that works for women empowerment. Do something really wonderful this year!

This new  year, we list 5 NGOs you can volunteer or donate that works for women empowerment. Do something really wonderful this year! 

Supporting someone is always a good thing. It is an amazing thing to hold someone’s back. This new year, pledge to support a woman, to live an empowered life. Here are a few organisations that are changing the lives of women, you can choose to volunteer or donate.


Majlis began in 1991 as a response to the need for lawyers with a gender-perspective who would fight cases for women. Majlis is based out of Mumbai. Their vision is to provide access to justice for all women. With this broad vision in mind they work towards ensuring that rights of individual women are protected by providing legal counseling, legal representation. They advocate for a culture of rights through dissemination of information about laws and educating women and others about the legal system. Through articles and advocacy they attempt to prevent the passing of discriminatory laws against women.

They are always looking for a little support to reach their goals. You can help by sponsoring a litigant, sponsoring a lawyer or even sponsoring a project. You can visit their website to learn more.


Vimochana, a Bangalore-based non-governmental organisation, was initiated in 1979 by women and men from within the Centre for Informal Development Studies (CIEDS) collective. Vimochana developed out of the need for a public forum that would stand against the increasing violence on women and would be assertive in challenging the pervading apathy to the problems of women. Vimochana works on multiple levels from dealing with individual cases to organising training programmes, awareness camps and organise campaigns against violence. Vimochana works with both urban as well as rural communities.

You can support them by donating here.

Dalit Sthree Shakti

Dalit Sthree Shaktibegan in 2006 with the aimof organising dalit women in the state of (united) Andhra Pradesh to struggle for their rights and entitlements. The organisation raises the importance of the caste question within the feminist movement and addresses the issues of dalit women specifically. Cases of violence, cases under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act) are taken up and dealt with. Campaigns are conducted every year to sensitise the public at large on the question of justice, equality and equity for dalit women and girl children.

You can read more about them on their website and contact them to support them financially.

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Sakhi is a non-governmental organisation based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Apart from supporting women in need directly, Sakhi also works with women representatives in the state of Kerala to strengthen the community response to violence against women. They also conduct information dissemination campaigns with the larger public to create a culture of no tolerance to violence.

You can support them by sponsoring the education of a child of the survivors of violence or even by purchasing the material they have on their website. Their site has more information.


Centre for Enquiry Into Health and Allied Themes or popularly known as CEHAT does a lot of work on how institutions respond to sexual violence victims. They have been responsible for developing a comprehensive guide to the health sector response to sexual violence. Their programme, Dilassa where they work with the Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC) began as a department of the hospital where they provided support. In this programme the roles of doctors, nurses and social workers were defined clearly. Once the affect of the project was seen, there was owning up of the project from within the health care system. BMC has now taken it up and CEHAT provides technical support.

If you would like to extend your support to them, there are details on their website. 

Cover image via Shutterstock


About the Author

Srinidhi Raghavan

Reader. Feminist. Poetry lover. Feisty. Emotional. Introverted. Passionate. Believes in human rights for all. Tries to write about all of these things. read more...

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