If You Have A Problem With My Dusky Colour, Deal With It!

People of the subcontinent certainly show a regrettable preference for a fair complexion, choosing it over a dusky colour. Are you going to let it affect your self-esteem? No way!

People of the subcontinent certainly show a regrettable preference for a fair complexion, choosing it over a dusky colour. Are you going to let it affect your self-esteem? No way!

Yes I am dark and dusky. Do you have a problem with it?

Be it the next door neighbor, distant relative, or unknown salesmen, everyone seems to have a problem with people with dark complexion. They graciously sympathize, feeling pity for the dark skinned community.

Sample some of the ridiculous suggestions and comments made by relatives and extended family members during  family get-togethers:

  • Why don’t you try honey and flour after a mud pack as a last resort… may be your skin would tame and tone too?
  • Pale colors aren’t for you; (pink and peach) you might look like you are on a color contrast mode!
  • Hey brownie! I mean brownies at the table. ‘No offence please’
  • Wedding season is nearing, pray some magic happens.
  • Don’t go out in the sun, from dark mode you might end up turning black!


These statements though done with a light sense of humor reflect a great sense of insensitivity! But how does it feel when someone comments on color even if it is for your well being? I still would take a step back and shout out a big NO at it. It definitely has a psychological and emotional bearing on the person. It affects the person’s self confidence and self worth too!

Well, if we are down and sad because we don’t belong to the’ fair skinned’ clan then the fault lies with us and not with the sympathizers! True personality is not a reflection of what color one is made of, it is rather about the right attitude and confidence that one holds.

Be proud to be what you are … be it black, brown, chocolate or dark chocolate.

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Love yourself; and shout your color out,

I am chocolate, what about you?

Image source: dark power woman by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Sonal Ranjit

In love, my love! Writing... Currently working in Bangalore. Loves music, books, poems and to visit exotic places. Feel free to like/comment/share my post if you like it!! My best vacation so far - read more...

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