Sex, Slavery and Drugs in Bangladesh: The Prostitutes Of Daulatia [Video]

The prostitutes of Daulatia, has a life that no one might ever want. This moving documentary captures it.

The prostitutes of Daulatia have a life that no one might ever want. This moving documentary captures it all.

Daulatia is a village in Bangladesh, which is one of the largest brothels in the world. This documentary, Sex, Slavery and Drugs in Bangladesh, takes us through the narrow lanes of Daulatia, where sex, drugs and slavery play in unison, through the lives of the prostitutes.

In this documentary, you will meet men who have no remorse when they declare that they love having sex with girls as young as ten, for them it’s younger the better and pimps, showing no regret for selling girls for a few thousand.

This is a place where underage girls are given tablets that are actually given to cattle to fatten them so that they look older and more desirable.

Maybe after these 25 minutes of this video, you wake up to another reality, where there is no God or hope.

Do watch this video, on the lives of the prostitutes of Daulatia.


About the Author

Paromita Bardoloi

Proud Indian. Senior Writer at Women's Web. Columnist. Book Reviewer. Street Theatre - Aatish. Dreamer. Workaholic. read more...

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