Things I Didn’t Appreciate About My Husband Until We Became Parents

With Father's Day having just gone by, here's a different kind of tribute - from a wife to a husband who makes for a loving father.

With Father’s Day having just gone by, here’s a different kind of tribute – from a wife to a husband who makes for a loving father.

He hasn’t changed, but the way I look at him has, and that’s what makes all the difference in the world!

1. He’s very affectionate

While he’s never been the touchy feely type, once our twins arrived, it all changed. He shows his affection in the most minute of ways – mussing up the kids’ hair while walking past them, covering their faces in kisses the moment they fall or hurt themselves, holding their hands while taking them for a walk around the building, or just settling them in his lap before shaking out all the toys that I had just re-organized to create one big play area to have fun with them.

2. He practices better hygiene now

In those first hazy weeks at home with two newborn babies, one who was severely underweight at only 1.5 kgs, he made sure everyone in the house, including himself, practiced good hygiene, kept the house super clean, did not wear shoes / slippers around me and the kids and generally kept us away from all sorts of post-op infections that are the bane of a new mother and her babies’ life. These practices continue till this day, and we’re all healthier and happier because of it.

3. He’s constantly organizing things around the house

Having twins is like having a baby whirlwind or tornado take over the house, and he’s always working on getting things organized as much as possible to make life easier for all of us. He’s the handyman for the house, fixing leaks, broken hinges and what not. Cleaning cupboards and drawers, getting rid of old newspapers and magazines, etc. – these little things requiring short term effort save us a lot of off effort in the long run.

4. He prefers surprises rather than expected celebrations and holidays

It sounds very childish now, but my very first Mother’s Day a couple of months after the twins were born left me feeling terribly disappointed as he did not get me a gift. But then I understood that that’s the kind of person he is. He’ll surprise me with my favourite heart shaped brownie when I least expect it, and tell me that he’s planned a movie date with me after conferring with my parents to babysit, all behind my back.

5. His best quality is his patient demeanour

I’m the volatile half of the couple, and he’s the patient one who will bear with mine and the kids tantrums and soothe them away with promises of better things to come. I noticed this for the very first time when the kids were learning how to walk. While my stand was to sneakily move my hand away from theirs so they could take a few steps on their own, he used to hold on to the kids hands till they finally learnt to walk by themselves, and now father and sons hold running races in which he always lets them win!

6. He wants to show us off

He’ll pick clothes that match the colour of the boys’ t-shirts when we all go out together. For him, his family always comes first! He does this out of sheer love rather than an obligation, and makes me feel privileged that he’s the father of my children and my wonderful husband. When his new business was launched, even though we weren’t required to be there, he took me and the then one year old boys along, and made sure the boys wore their ‘My Daddy Is a Super Star’ t-shirts so everyone would know they were his off spring!

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So, on this Fathers Day, I wish to tell my dear husband, thank you, for all your love and never ending support. You are the foundation to our house of love. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our twin blessings.

Happy Fathers Day!

children in the park via Shutterstock


About the Author


Doting mommy to fraternal twin toddler boys, in my earlier avatar I was an Architect, by Profession, working on projects on a freelance basis and also Teacher, by Passion, of Architecture at a city college. read more...

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