10 Simple Tips To Be Happily Pregnant At Work

Pregnancy is not an illness; it's just a beautiful, yet anxious phase. So, stop worrying and here are some great tips to be happily pregnant at work.

Pregnancy is not an illness; it’s just a beautiful, yet anxious, phase. So, stop worrying and here are some great tips to be happily pregnant at work.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. Unlike many women who relate pregnancy to fatigue, vomiting and all other hormonal difficulties, I would like to tell you that it’s really not as bad as you think. Before I got pregnant, I was scared how it would effect my work life, if I would have to resign and things like that. It was around 2-and-half-years ago on a beautiful December morning, while I was working for a small construction company that I got to know of my pregnancy. It is a beautiful moment when we see the two blue lines, and it could simply fill our eyes with tears of joy and excitement.

It was true, I was too tired. I found it increasingly difficult to sit for long hours at the desk working. In a week’s time, I got an interview call for my dream job. At that time, it was the biggest offer I could ever get in my career. I was confused about if I should take it. Would I be able to make it? Working for such a giant company would mean I have to put in my best efforts and be professional, irrespective of the fact that I was pregnant or not! But I decided to give it a try. One month later, I found myself working in the best company I had dreamt of. And I was appointed at the site office, which meant working for around 10 hours (with a one-hour break) and six-days a week. Top it off with half-an-hour of travel back and forth. I am happy I made it.

However, I was happily pregnant at work, till the last day before my labor. I am happy and take pride in the fact that I could make it. I would like to share the few tips that helped me during those few months.

Those who are pregnant and working, or those who are looking forward to it, pregnancy is neither an illness, nor a disability; it’s one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life!

Here are some tips from my personal experience. Go and give it a try!

1. Believe in yourself. Stay motivated

With those fatigue and tiring days, there are chances that some of them could easily give up. Believe in your skills and stay motivated. Tell yourself you can do it.

2. Be organised at home

I used to be a very lazy person. But with pregnancy, I was determined to prove to myself and the world that I can do it. So at home, every evening I cooked dinner and packed my lunch for the next day. On some days, I even made the breakfast at night and stored it for the next morning. Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of my hubby who was far too helpful.

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3. Note down your works

Pregnancy hormones can really take a toll on your memory. To get rid of the tricky pregnancy brain, I always kept a note pad to note down my pending works and to-do-list. I also kept an excel file with a time sheet for myself, in which I wrote down my daily work. It always helped me keep track of all my work and time.

4. Stay hydrated and cut down the beverages

I always kept a water bottle filled at my table, so that I would drink enough water for the day. Water rejuvenates you. I also cut down, in fact completely got rid of tea, coffee and any sweetened drinks! They only make you tired and unhealthy.

5. Move around

Always find reasons to move around. Sitting for long hours can get you all tired. My staying-hydrated techniques also made me take frequent trips to the loo, which meant I at least had to get up from my seat and keep moving every hour. While in the ladies rest room, I would take some deep breaths, turn my neck around, and do some basic stretching. This kept my energy flowing for the day!

6. Snack often and keep away the nausea

I always kept fresh fruits, dry fruits, and nuts handy at my desk so I could keep munching. This helped me keep my hunger away. I will tell you, I was far too hungry always during the time. Keeping myself full was the only way I could stay away from the vomiting. Also, I never had lunch from the canteen where there were strong smells of different kinds of cuisines.

7. Ask for help

There are some times when you simply can’t do some things physically while you are pregnant. Like if you have to carry a heavy file, or get a file from the top of a cup board. Do not take any risk! Ask someone around for help. They would always be ready to help a pregnant lady! And after about 6th or 7th month, you really don’t have to ask for help. Because, even before you think of asking for help, help arrives. All thanks to the beautiful baby bump.

8. Return the favor

Though no body helps a pregnant lady expecting something in return, it would always be good if you could help them in return in some other ways possible by you. For instance, if a coffee boy helps you, you could help him when he needs to fill a form or something, which he may not be able to do easily. If you don’t find a way to help them in return, always keep a good smile, and be friendly.

 9. Plan ahead

Always tell your boss in advance about your maternity leave plans. Be aware about the labor laws and the HR policies of your company regarding the same. You don’t need last minute surprises for both the sides. Discuss with your boss and the HR to work out your best maternity leave option. I suggest you work till the last day if you have no other illness and as advised by your doctor. It’s best if you could utilize your maternity leave with your little one maximum.

10. Be happy

The best mantra for a happy pregnancy is to enjoy every moment of it. Take your time to bond with the little bump, take a stroll with your partner when you get the time, listen to some lovely music, talk to people and keep away form negative thoughts.

Have a happy pregnancy!

Image of a pregnant woman at work via Shutterstock


About the Author

Bilna Sandeep

Bilna Sandeep is a Civil Engineer by profession who is currently on a career break to enjoy the joys of motherhood with her naughty little boy! She is also a blogger and freelance writer! read more...

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