Reading Smart On Smartphones (With #MyASUSZenfone)

Great writers swear by the notion, that to be a good writer, one needs to be a voracious reader. Blogging the reading experience with #MyASUSZenfone.

Great writers swear by the notion, that to be a good writer, one needs to be a voracious reader. Blogging the reading experience with #MyASUSZenfone.

When I entered the world of writing, I realized that apart from writing, I need to constantly read. Reading good content, good authors, informative content in magazines and newspapers transforms us into storehouses of words and information. Only then will writers be able to pen down good stories.

And I did exactly that. Though it was painful in the beginning, I soon got into the flow of writing and thus began my journey of honing my writing skills.

I began my blogging and writing journey when I took a career break after my son was born. Besides spending time with my bundle of joy, I did have a lot of spare time. Being a career woman, I was lost for a period, not knowing what to do during the spare hours. It was then that I began to read a lot. I found a new interest that kept me occupied and it diverted my mind from those stressful motherhood moments. Reading took me to a whole wide creative world of blogging and writing.

All this while, I’ve experienced and seen the changes in the concept of reading. Reading patterns have changed drastically and it now involves reading e-books and posts on smartphones, tablets, computers and on electronic devices like the Kindle.

When it comes to reading, in my opinion, Kindle has been by far one of the most spectacular reading devices created till date. It has changed the way people read. This electronic reader holds thousands and thousands of books and is a hub of information.

Kindle apps can also be installed on Smartphones, tablets and computers which means that one can savour reading on a smartphone too. I had the opportunity to use the Kindle reading app on the Asus Zenfone 5 phone. Through this feature I can choose the preferred font size, brightness and background colour while reading books. I can read free books, shop for eBooks and read the first chapter of a book before I decide to buy.

This is good news for bloggers and writers like me as it not only enables us to have access to a wide variety of books and information at the click of a button but also read them with ease and we can carry it wherever we go. It’s convenient too.

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Bloggers and writers need to incessantly read to hone their writing skills. Carrying magazines, newspapers and books while travelling is not always suitable. However, a smartphone with the Kindle reading app resolves this concern. We can blog, upload and edit content with the help of other blogging applications that are also available on Smartphones.

I find that the Kindle reading app in Smartphones is a step above books, in terms of size, readability and portability. It’s a handy tool to have.

Nonetheless there are some who still belong to the old school. They prefer the touch, feel and essence of paper while sinking into the story of a novel. I leave it up to you dear readers, to choose and relish the conventional way of reading books or the modern and progressive methods of reading.

Whichever manner they choose, voracious readers will always find a way to satiate their thirst for reading.

This post is supported by Asus ZenFone.

Online library image via Shutterstock


About the Author

Diana Pinto

Diana has worked as an Editor/Writer and Content Manager for various digital platforms and hopes that each word written in this space supports, motivates and inspires her readers in India or across seas. Besides read more...

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