Yoga, Women, And My New Friend: The Dell Venue Tab

Yoga apps and resources can make a world of difference to your Yoga practice. Find the best free yoga apps here!

Yoga apps and resources can make a world of difference to your Yoga practice. Find the best free yoga apps here!

Ever since compact and sleek tablets came along, laptops became passé, giving the user a world in her hands. Technology can be a little intrusive at times, but be clever and you won’t just end up wasting time on it.

This post is written as part of a series where bloggers on Women’s Web experiment with the new Dell Venue tab, and use it for various work and leisure activities as part of their daily lives.

While the tab is the complete gadget, for me it is also my friend, philosopher and guide. It pains me to say this, but its 2014, and your gadgets are the new people in your life! My new friend made it easy to check mail, listen to music, read, browse social networking sites, refer recipes, and it contributes to the most important aspect: My Health.

Yoga in my life

Yoga apps are the new guides to better health. I always, dreamt of going to the best yoga ashrams, but I learnt Yoga in a local ashram nearby. The serene atmosphere there, gave me my first introduction to formal yoga education. After my favorite teacher shifted base to Rishikesh, I went on a hunt for a new class, which I never found – that’s when I found Yoga online, using the new Dell Venue tab.

Though there is no substitute to a real Yoga class, your tab can come handy in case of lack of good teachers around or inaccessibility to a class. You could get lost in an array of different apps and yoga sites to learn new Asanas, Pranayamas, and meditation techniques. (But before you jump into learning from your tab know that a class would be best if you are a beginner.)

There is a vast ocean of knowledge available online but you must know what is good and whom to follow.

Good guides to deepen your Yoga practice 

Here are a few sites I followed to deepen my practice.

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Yoga is particularly useful in pregnancy. Also, the lack of availability of good pre-natal yoga classes nearby homes makes the tab extra useful to women. From Lara Dutta to Shilpa Shetty, everyone has their own yoga channel on Youtube, which you could find useful. For pregnant women, I found Lara’s video channel especially relaxing on the nerves.

Free Yoga apps I like

Apart from these, my Venue tab allowed me to personalize my experience, using various Yoga apps. Go to the app store on the tab and get these apps as your guides for free.

Fat burning yoga workouts

This app is a complete guide to women practitioners who want to practice yoga to lose weight. My favourite line from this app is, “Yoga is creativity, peaceful strength and willpower. It isn’t questioning why can’t I, or I am not flexible enough, Yoga is knowing we are perfect as we are and accepting where we are at this moment.” This app guides you and lists out fat burning asanas and food charts.

Complete Yoga guide

This is the mother of all apps. If you like being specific about things, then this app is for you. It has Yoga specifically for ailments ranging to Asthma, Back pain, Belly Fat, Diabetes, Eye strain, Glowing skin, Knee Joint pain, Stress, Thyroid and Menstrual Cramps. Though there is a link on Yoga for height increase, ladies, I would take this with a pinch of salt. This app also has videos linked to it that take you to actual demonstrations if that is what you want.


There is an app named just ‘Yoga’. Though this site offers yoga too, but what I found special about it is that it offers yoga music. It has blissful meditation music for peace of mind.

Relax Melodies

Here is an app, which seems almost perfect if you are a sound sensitive person. Your ‘yoga nidra’ can be next to an ocean, river, rain, winds, or a forest. This app is my personal favorite.

Technology can be used to make life wonderful too – it doesn’t always need to sound intrusive. Make the best use to it to up your experience of life.

Meanwhile, I found my perfect Yoga class last week, but I still refer to a few apps on the tab, just to learn a new asana and show off in class or sleep to the sound of the ocean.

Post supported by Dell Venue

Pic credit: Jean Henrique Wichinoski (Used under a CC license)


About the Author


A writer and singer by soul and homemaker by role, I am Malini Misra. I have dabbled with all the aspects of media, be it print, television, and also worked on research of a book read more...

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