Start Them Young : 5 Environmental Organisations For Children In India

Here are 5 environmental rg

In a world obsessed with technology, getting children to plant trees and commune with nature is crucial. Here are 5 environmental organisations in India that instill a love for nature in children.

Human beings are deeply connected to the soil and thus we have our need to plant, to nurture and support trees or any form of greenery. I have a green thumb and a green mind, and I owe this to my parents who planted the roots of these thoughts. It’s time more women took it as a mission to instill a green warrior in their child. It seems to be the need of the hour.

Today, our newspapers seem to be brimming with supplements screaming for our attention. One such attention-seeking supplement is the ‘property’ supplement of different newspapers. And as women we seem to be naturally inclined towards the better things in life.

One would ask “So? The world is full of good things, why shouldn’t I aspire for a better place and hope for a home claiming to be next to a forest?”

Well for starters, the ad is a lie; go to any newly dug up site of a launched building complex and it will be completely barren. The cutting is done for a free flow of cement and concrete to be laid for new, brighter and better homes.

It was World Environment Day in June, and the irony is that “it just doesn’t matter.” An article here and there, an eyewash of a tree-planting drive, a mention in school and we are done with nature.

Hydel projects get clearance in ecologically sensitive regions. Bengaluru makes world news with a lake called Bellanduru, which became a froth filled septic ocean spilling over to the roads, waiting for a disaster to happen. I am sure this has happened in every city. Our garbage, do you ever ask where my garbage goes? If you live in a city like Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai or Kolkata you are well aware of the situation. Does it go to our neighbour’s villages; do they bear the stench of our garbage? Imagine if our children have such questions, who knows they may come up with workable solutions too soon enough.

I have a green thumb and a green mind, and I owe this to my parents who planted the roots of these thoughts. It’s time more women took it as a mission to instill a green warrior in their child. It seems to be the need of the hour.

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Are mothers unknowingly bringing up an environmentally challenged society? There are many voluntary organisations doing great work and it would be a great idea to expose our children to them.

The Ugly Indian

The Ugly Indian is an organisation that started off in Bangalore, one quiet day. They are silent citizens who believe in the, “kaam chaalu, mooh bandh” mantra and are fmcleaning the city without blaming the government. This idea has taken the nation by storm and its cleaning drives happen over weekends with busy adults and children getting their hands into piles of garbage. If you want your children to start young, here’s an opportunity to join the Ugly Indian gang. Just click and find more.

Plant A Tree India

Here’s a group of individuals, researchers, social activists from Uttarakhand, people who joined hands to form this green group that plants trees and cares for it also. Their website is very informative, you could log on and see how you and your family can contribute and start caring.

Trees For Free

Based in Bangalore, this green army lead by Janet always welcomes like minded souls who support her by planting trees. This activity will be nothing like your usual outings. Our children will be people who care about their environment from a very young age.

Honey Bee Nature Club

This is a nature club in Bangalore that organises family recreation in form of activities connecting to nature. They take small groups to different places in the city and encourage the love for nature and adventure. It’s highly recommended that if you do not stay in Bangalore you can still do something similar wherever you live. Instead of the malls, this weekend take a hike in the local park or hill next door.

The Big Barn

This is a small farm near Bangalore, where every child gets to be a farmer for a day. Instead of an expensive birthday party at a hotel or club, it is well worth trying this activity for your kid.

Project GreenHands

An environmental initiative of the Isha Foundation, they aim to increase the green cover of Tamil Nadu to 33% by planting 114 million trees.

This initiative was launched on June 5th 2004, as an ecological initiative. The project has over a million volunteers which include majority of children. You can join hands with them and take this initiative to your own respective states.

Green Yatra

By involving our children into humanitarian activities like this we are naturally being devoted to a larger cause. We are setting an example, that we must ‘be the change’. This particular Mumbai based NGO has more than one cause and their work is commendable. Not only do they have a green motive but they educate and involve young people in the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ cause. This young organisation believes in leaving a good future for our children and promotes a lifestyle that supports and respects the efforts to preserve the planet. Mumbaites can actively get involved and bring up more humane children.


Lets instill a green hand into our child at a very young age. To inspire you is one such small story, happening in our own country. A very small inspiring village in Rajasthan, named Piplantri has set example, by planting 111 trees for every girl child that is born. This brand of eco-feminism is new to India and has been been gaining popularity since its inception. If 60 girls are born in this village in one year, can you do the math of how many lakh trees they have planted? Till today, this scheme not only improves the green cover but also encourages reluctant couples to nurture their girl child by giving her education.

Please feel free to add to this list of green organisations, if you know of any who is doing some great work in the field.

I appeal to everyone of you – “If a child is born, plant a tree; if he stands up, plant a tree; if he goes to school, plant a tree; he gets married, plant a tree; if somebody dies, plant a tree. Just find an excuse to plant a tree.”

Image via Shutterstock.


About the Author


A writer and singer by soul and homemaker by role, I am Malini Misra. I have dabbled with all the aspects of media, be it print, television, and also worked on research of a book read more...

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