Why I Still Have Hope Around

Would you propose to the man of your dreams? A sweet little love story.

While all over the media you hear about honour killings and bride burning, here is something that may make you happy!

A sweet  love story I heard the other day…

This girl in my office – met her in the wash room and went ga-ga over the lovely clothes she wears 🙂

I know she just got married, because she was wearing those lovely bangles (Choodas?) which the north Indians wear after the wedding..

Just generally discussing, and I asked her if it was an arranged marriage.

She says, Na! love marriage…we were in the same company, know each other for 4 years.

RM: Wow…so is he a Punjabi too

She: no no, he is an Oriya

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RM: Super…so how did it happen?

She: well, we really didn’t go around, but then about an year ago, I got this job offer, I came here and started missing him

RM: Awww! how sweet..then?

She: Well, one day we were talking on the phone and I proposed..and he said ‘okie’

RM: Seriously?

She: well, he just said okay and then I was like oye, why didn’t you propose then?

And he said ‘well, I do like you but would have been heart broken if you had refused, so didn’t have the guts…and I knew you have the guts in you to propose to me’.

and then she blushes.

RM: Awww! thats so totally cute rey..

She: so well, proposal on the phone and then he talked to his parents and I talked to my parents and then they were okie from both sides..so there we got married!

RM: wow..no issues from your parents, isn’t that great!

She: Totally, both sets were pretty cool about it..

RM: now, that’s a lovely story to tell your children…Ma proposed, Pa accepted and lived happily ever after

She: Blushes

Sigh! such stories sure make me feel that there is still hope in this world!



About the Author

Rs Mom

R’s Mom is a working mother in Mumbai trying to balance work, home and baby. Learning the ropes of new motherhood and wanting to spend more time with baby. Running to catch up with read more...

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