Flex The Workplace

Flexi-working is slowly gaining popularity. Share your thoughts on flexible work arrangements and your ideas on how to flex the workplace!

Flexi-working is slowly gaining popularity. Share your thoughts on flexible work arrangements and your ideas on how to flex the workplace!

Women often drop out of work since they are the ones caring for children or the elderly. Flexible workplaces actually help women to focus better on work, since they don’t have to “choose” work over family.

(What is flexi-working and has it arrived in India? Read our story on how to make flexi-working succeed.)

We need more workplaces to start becoming flexible and family-friendly, and not just for women – more fathers want to be involved too.

That’s why we want you to tell us! 

What you need to do

Give us 1 specific suggestion on what an organization could do to offer greater flexibility at work. It could be related to HR policies, time arrangements, technology or anything else that helps employees manage their work-life commitments better.

How to do it

Use the comments box below. OR tweet us at http://twitter.com/womensweb. OR send a note to [email protected]. OR if you want to blog about it, paste the link in the comments box below. UPDATE: There is also a Flex The Workplace event page at Facebook where you can share your idea. (go have a look at some that are already up…)

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Contest entries must be submitted between 16th August and 25th August 1st September (yes, we’ve extended the date by a week because news of the contest went out a little late, so we’d like more people to have a chance to participate). No strict word limit, but keep in mind, this contest is for a single, specific entry (1 entry per person). We suggest a maximum of 150 words. Ideas geared to the Indian workplace stand a better chance of winning.

What do you get? (AHA!)

The 2 best suggestions will get a one-on-one Fleximoms Career Advisory session. Whether you’re currently working or looking to rejoin work, it’s a great way to identify or re-examine your work and life goals.

The advisory session is face-to-face for those in the NCR region and over Skype for others. (The prize is transferable – so it will also make a great gift for a friend too.)

How will you use our suggestions?

Women’s Web and Fleximoms will be putting together a thought paper based on the great inputs we get from people like you. This will be freely available on our websites and will also be shared with people in the industry who could use these ideas to build better workplaces. {jcomments on}

Update: A Big Thank You to all those who participated! Entries are closed now, and we’ll be announcing the results shortly.


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Women's Web

Women's Web is a vibrant community for Indian women, an authentic space for us to be ourselves and talk about all things that matter to us. Follow us via the read more...

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