Adieu 2023: A Year of Life Changing Experiences

This year i.e 2023  flew away   light  and fluttery  like a bird, starkly different from  the   three   years preceding it.   I am saying this because nothing terrible or frightening – powerful enough to bog us down or ruin the pervading air of bonhomie and peace – took place in my concentric circles of family relatives and friends.

Through the winter and spring months, there were shopping sprees picnics, and eating out galore (something all-self proclaimed foodies like me enjoy). Throughout the year music and cultural shows, film festivals, meeting and interacting with new ‘eminent’ people, kept my hands (and heart) full.  I penned a number of write-ups (read features) on them which were generally appreciated.

However the year witnessed the demise of two individuals who had impacted my life in a significant way. Dr  Rudra Dutta  who  had   played a key  role  in my life  via counselling   guidance when on one  was going   through  a rough patch in my private. Oddly  enough a few  years  later his attitude towards me grew cold and tad unfriendly after he discovered that  I had entered  the practice of  Nichiren Buddhism.

Probably he was disappointed since he was a staunch adherent of the Sanatan  Dharma   which  has been gaining  ascendancy  over the  past few years. Nevertheless  now that he is   no longer  amidst us I  forgive  him whole-heartedly and from the  depths  of my heart hope and pray that his soul rests  in eternal  peace.

The  other was a kind hearted soul by the name  of Leela Sarkar,  a very old friend of  my father’s family. She  was erudite gentle and.   suave Her  zest for life was infectious  and  she exuded  supreme  self confidence at each and every step, in every task she  undertook. A trained classical singer  she continued her daily riyaaz almost  till   the last day of her life. A budding author she managed  to complete her autobiography and get it  published  before  departing this world at the ripe old age of ninety.

And then,  I had   a great fall (à la  Humpty dumpty).  While leaving the auditorium after  a cultural  event, I slipped from  the  stairs. The  Femur head on the left was shattered. I had  to undergo a  hip  replacement  surgery, and spend  an entire  week in  the  hospital. Back home, while convalescing a  new vistas  opened  before my  eyes. People who heretofore were unfriendly or avoided me,  now grew sympathetic and went all out to help me. I  was touched to the core. The milk  of  human kindness had not dried up.

Looking back, this  accident has slightly altered my lifestyle. Earlier I could roam wild and free. Now I need an escort whenever I leave home. My partner and daughter discharge this duty diligently. Also I need to lean on my prosthetic stick  negotiate corners bends and steps. In  a lighter  vein, I  am tickled pink upon realizing  that a fragment of my  body is  gone forever.

Onward to the approaching  year 2024, I  earnestly  hope and pray  it turns out more joyous, and prosperous for all us!

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About the Author


Am a trained and experienced features writer with 30 plus years of experience .My favourite subjects are women's issues, food travel, art,culture ,literature et all.Am a true feminist at heart. An iconoclast read more...

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