During our Engineering college days, we had joined a technical organisation that spanned across years. Just a month later, we were informed that we were being taken out for a technical visit, and we were pretty excited. This was during second year of Engineering, when we were hardly eighteen or nineteen year young 😉

Well, we were supposed to travel in a bus which had been hired. There were a few cat calls seeing the freshers, which we had learnt to ignore. However, soon, we were being targeted at by throwing berries. Of course, it didn’t hurt physically, but emotionally we were feeling a bit upset, till one of us said, “Tit for tat! Let’s strike them back with it!” And so, we hit them back with whatever berries they had targeted us with.



Soon, we thought it was a fun thing. We were sort of enjoying.

However, very next day, when I had gone to the hostel (I was a day-scholar), I was summoned by a senior (girl). She asked, “And what do you think you girls were doing yesterday? Throwing berries at the senior guys? Is it considered even remotely well-mannered to be doing like this?”

She might have been used to scolding the other girls in the hostel, but I was not one of them. I didn’t feel that we had done anything wrong. We were only retaliating and there wasn’t any violence involved. All had been laughing and the gap seemed to have been reduced. We had later become friendly with a few of the seniors. Where was this “well-mannered” thing coming in between?

I asked her back, “Do you think that the boys hitting the girls with berries is good manners and the girls retaliating is bad manners? What kind of a female you are?”

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And before she could say anything, I rushed away from there. However, I really enjoyed the look on her face!


About the Author


Neelam Saxena Chandra is an Engineering graduate from VNIT and has done her Post Graduation Diploma in IM&HRD and also in Finance. She has completed a summer course in Finance from London School of read more...

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