Is It Fair To Call Women Lazy And Dumb For Choosing Not To Work?

We must support women in their choices, whatever they may be, else it might have a very damaging effect on their self-esteem which can even lead to depression and other mental health issues .

Today, let’s hear out a small story.

A close chapter from a very well-known source. There is a woman who is in her late 30s, educated in a Hindi Medium, born and raised in the suburbs of Uttar Pradesh. She is a mother to two small kids and is not engaged in any full time work.

In nutshell, she is not contributing to the ever-growing monthly expenses at home.

Her husband is a smart, young man in his early 40s working with a leading consultancy and earns a five-figure salary to support the family. The husband has a deeper interest in making her work so that they together build a better future.

You know how unstable our jobs are and with the soaring inflation, hiked petrol prices, school fees whatever earned and credited looks like peanuts only!

Do we have the right to judge?

Can we blame the husband being over greedy and money driven? Or Should we label the woman as ‘Dumb“ and “Lazy” who wants to be like a “dependent” feeding on the luxury of the husband?

My personal viewpoint says that all women should be independent and understand their self-worth so that they contribute to their own families and eventually economy.

In the 21st century, almost 80% of the women irrespective of whether they belong to metropolitan cities or small town are so ambitious that they want to earn a sizeable income for their families and elevate their social status.

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My protagonist might fall in the rest 20% who does not want to do office work and just want to nurture kids and family like our mothers and their older generations did during their times.

Stop shaming women!

Will it be justified to call her “Lazy” and “dumb” and these two words have been thrown around far too often when it comes to women and their decision not to work.

But let’s be clear: choosing not to work does not make a woman lazy or dumb. We need to stop labelling and shaming women for making their own choices about their careers and lives.

I am not supporting that women should not work but point 1% the woman does not want to work then you cannot blame or force her to work.

Maybe during the match making days, it was not agreed and there could have been a possibility that man here wanted a homely and caring wife, but, as years have passed by there is a need to support family then women should shoulder the responsibilities in whatever ways that she is capable to do.

Respect choice

Picking up fights or demeaning her whole existence, questioning her background or ill treating her will not ignite the passion to work. Even if such women join any workforce, they would not be able to do justice to their jobs as this is out of will and forceful.

Last of all , this kind of forceful work or jobs will not help neither the employer nor the family .

We must support women in their choices, whatever they may be, else it might have a very damaging effect on their self-esteem which can even lead to depression and other mental health issues.

Let’s focus on creating a world where women are respected and supported in all of their choices, whether that includes a career or not.

Recommended read:

Image source: CanvaPro

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divya parameshwaran

I love Coffee , Movies and Words ..they actually fuel me as they are my best friends .. Hit Me up if you love to talk over Coffee about Books , Movies ,Parenting ,Workplace Issues , Women Growth Obstacles read more...

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