ITR Filing For Artists And Creative Professionals In India

Is ITR filing for artists and creative professionals in India difficult? Here is a complete guide that will help you navigate tax filings!

Is ITR filing for artists and creative professionals in India difficult? Here is a complete guide that will help you navigate tax filings!

Every Indian taxpayer, including artists and creative professionals, must file Income Tax Returns (ITR). Due to their diverse income sources and tax implications, ITR tax filing is unique for these individuals.

Artists’ freelance work, royalties, art sales, and licensing require careful tax reporting and categorization. Art-related tax deductions and capital gains on art sales further complicate ITR filing. Artists and creative professionals must also manage GST and foreign income.

Challenges of ITR Filing for artists and creative professionals in India

Artists and creative professionals in India face unique ITR filing challenges and considerations. Hence, being aware of the differences and details in these policies is the first step.

Understanding these details will help them navigate the tax landscape and stay compliant while pursuing their artistic passions.

Is ITR filing for artists and creative professionals in India difficult?

Different sources of income

Due to their diverse income sources, artists and creative professionals have unique tax situations. Creative people often freelance for clients. Artists must carefully track and report freelance income during ITR filing because it varies month-to-month.

Authors, musicians, and creators also make money from royalties. They receive royalties for published or used work. Books, music, patents, and other intellectual property can generate royalties. Accurate taxation requires categorizing and reporting royalty earnings.

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Visual artists and painters rely on art sales. If their artwork sells for more than they paid, they may pay capital gains tax. To calculate capital gains, artists must keep records of art sales, including purchase price and date.

Artists also earn from licensing and copyrights. Photographers and illustrators can license their work for commercial use. Artists must report each transaction’s tax implications in their ITR.

Tax deductions and expenses

Artists and creative professionals can claim tax deductions and expenses to lower liability. These deductions may include studio rent, art supplies, professional equipment like cameras or musical instruments, and workshops or courses to improve their skills.

Artists must keep receipts for all expenses to claim deductions. For accurate ITR deductions, separate personal and business expenses. Authors, playwrights, and literary artists can deduct royalties under Section 80QQB of the Income Tax Act.

Freelancers associated with different fields should check the  Income tax department website for the appropriate ITR form.

GST registration and compliance

GST registration is required for artists and creative professionals whose annual turnover exceeds the GST threshold. Artists must follow GST regulations when selling artworks and certain services.

Artists must use GST-compliant invoices for sales and services. Artists must also file GST returns and keep accurate records of GST input tax credits on artistic expenses.

Maintaining compliance with GST regulations ensures that artists avoid penalties and legal consequences related to non-compliance and operate their artistic endeavours in a legally sound manner.

Read here: GST Basics For Women Entrepreneurs In India

Capital gains on art sales

Visual artists and painters often sell their artworks to art collectors, galleries, or individuals, and such transactions may result in capital gains tax implications. Capital gains tax applies when an artwork’s selling price exceeds its acquisition cost.

Artists must carefully calculate each art sale’s capital gains and report them accurately during the ITR tax filing. This calculation involves considering the purchase price, the date of acquisition, and the selling price of each artwork.

To reduce the tax burden on capital gains, artists can explore options such as reinvesting the proceeds from art sales in specified assets under Section 54F or investing in specified bonds under Section 54EC of the Income Tax Act.

Income from foreign sources

ITR filing in India

Foreign income may affect artists’ taxes, such as royalties from international publications or art sales to foreign buyers. In such cases, it is crucial to determine whether India taxes the income and whether Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs) with the respective countries can prevent double taxation.

To avoid double taxation, countries sign DTAAs. Artists must carefully review relevant DTAAs and claim benefits to prevent double taxation.

Tax Planning for Variable Income

Tax planning is essential for creative professionals with variable incomes. Fixed salaries make tax planning easier for traditional employees. Freelance earnings may fluctuate, making tax predictions difficult.

Artists can use tax planning to save for taxes during high-income years. Tax-saving instruments can help them reduce their taxable income. Artists can avoid financial hardship by planning their taxes.

Record-Keeping for GST Compliance

Artists who register for GST must keep accurate sales, expense, and input tax credit records. Record-keeping is essential for GST compliance and GST return filing.

Artists should keep track of sales, buyers, and GST. They should also track artistic expenses for input tax credits. Consistent record-keeping simplifies GST compliance and reduces tax filing errors.

Availing deductions under section 80TTA and 80TTB

Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act allows artists and creative professionals to claim deductions on interest income earned from savings accounts up to a specified limit. This deduction is available to individuals, including artists, and can help reduce taxable income.

Additionally, artists who are senior citizens can avail themselves of deductions under Section 80TTB on interest income earned from deposits with banks or post offices. This provision enables senior artists to reduce their tax liability further and optimize their financial planning during the ITR tax filing.


Artists and creative professionals must understand their unique considerations to file ITRs. Freelancing, royalties, art sales, licensing, and copyrights require accurate tax reporting and categorization.

Tax deductions and artistic expenses require proper documentation and record-keeping. Selling art and providing creative services requires GST compliance.

Tax compliance requires accurate capital gains calculations and reporting on art sales. To minimize taxes, foreign-income artists must know about DTAAs.

A tax professional or chartered accountant with experience in creative fields can help artists navigate ITR filing. Artists can confidently focus on their creative work and manage their tax obligations by staying informed and keeping financial records.

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Image source for : CanvaPro

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