I’ve Tried Everything Yet Why Am I Not Losing Weight? 5 Reasons Why

You're hitting the gym regularly. Maybe even doing yoga. You've tried to cut those sinful foods from your diet. You've tried everything! Now what?

You’ve done everything—remodeled your diet plans, renewed your gym membership and parted ways from your long-lasting, comforting friends, carbs and sugars. But after all the hard work, the weighing scales refused to tip in your favor.

What is happening? Where do you go from there?

Fret not, girl. Here are some mischief-makers that have perhaps stalled your weight loss journey.

Thyroid, the troublemaker!

Thyroid hormone imbalance is one of the major culprits. If you are one of those people who engage in thermostat wars every day, wear extra layers, use more blankets, or need hot drinks just to coexist with others, then it is time to check your thyroid profile.

Hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid hormone) causes cold sensitivity, fatigue, depression, lack of sleep and a sluggish metabolism. Irksome allies like hair loss, flaky skin, menstrual problems, unexplained weight gain, or constipation often tag along.

Some women may see many physical changes; others, relatively few. But it can be a pesky issue because though the inactive thyroid responds well to medicine, the symptoms may linger for months.

Ovaries acting spoilsport?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is more common than we realize, with every woman in the reproductive age showing some variation.

Apart from acne, mensural problem, and excessive facial hair, this condition manifests a skewed ratio of male and female hormones in one’s body and, more often than not, results in weight gain and infertility.

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It is best to rule out PCOS before you double down on your exercise and dieting regime.

Not enough Sunshine Vitamin?

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is a hormone your body produces when exposed to the sun. Adequate intake of fish, egg yolks, shrimp, or fortified foods like milk, yoghurt, and breakfast cereals is another way to up your levels. Many rely on supplements.

It is accepted that versatile vitamin D is more of a multifunctional hormone than a nutrient and is critical for optimum health. Certain studies hint at the connection between low vitamin D levels and unintentional weight gain, even tying increased belly fat with a suboptimal hormone range.

If you are experiencing strange muscle aches and pains, brittle hair, bone pains or frequent infections, it won’t hurt to step outside more often and soak the sun. Consider getting your blood levels tested and rule out a vitamin D deficiency. Many practitioners advocate testing twice a year, at a six-to eight-months interval.

Though the jury is still out, it is best to not ignore this heavyweight in your weight loss journey.

Too stressed?

You’ve probably heard it enough!

It’s easier to master Mandarin Chinese than eliminate stress in today’s times, you say! I hear you.

But the truth backed by scientific evidence is hard to ignore. Long-standing stress, worries, and tensions pump up cortisol secretion, the stress hormone.

The fight-or-flight hormone makes you crave fatty and salty foods (read potato chips) and capsizes metabolism and digestion. Even if you are one of those people with iron willpower when it comes to food, this hormone cracks a whip on the other hormones, leading to automatic weight gain. Increased blood sugar, puffiness, and water retention are some buddies that never miss this party.

So, jog if you must, but leave your anxieties behind. Don’t ruminate. Join that yoga class, or practice meditation and mindfulness. Researchers say that any activity that absorbs one hundred percent of your attention is the key to taming long-term stress.

Insufficient shut-eye?

Eat less, and exercise more. Create a calorie deficit, and pounds will drop. Right?

No. Let me be the killjoy and add one more caveat.

Sleep shortfall is sabotaging your waistline in more ways than one. Of course, one consumes more calories — and reaches out for higher-calorie foods when they sleep less. But there is a deeper connection.

Ever heard of leptin and ghrelin?

In simple words, ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is the green signal wired to tell your brain that it’s time to eat. Leptin, however, is the flashing red signal: stop eating! You are full! Less sleep translates into more ghrelin (more hunger) and less leptin (less satiety), which packs the pounds. Not to mention the increased risk of diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease.

Avoid the latest TV series, leave your phone in the living room, and grab that beauty sleep. Catching more zzz’s is a more weighty matter than given credit.

Go get checked for all of the above!

So, ladies, it wouldn’t hurt to visit the doctor and get a thorough overhauling before you jump on the bandwagon of another fad diet. That may be all you require to convince the weighing scales to never fail you again.

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Supriya Bansal

A Radiologist by profession, Supriya Bansal, spends most of her day inhabiting a monochromatic world consisting of different shades of grey ranging from black to white. She is an active member of many online writing read more...

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