Pune Woman Made To Eat Powdered Human Bones To Conceive—What Madness Is This?!

What is this urge for a male heir that makes people so barbaric and superstitious in this time of awareness of science and human rights?

Today, on 21st of January, Pune city in Maharashtra is abuzz with reports of a married woman who was forced to eat powdered human bones as part of a twisted tantrik ritual to conceive.

This news comes from the Sinhgad Police Station where the woman filed an FIR on 18 January against seven people, including her husband, her in laws and the tantrik. —

As the police officials, the case has been lodged under Sections 498 A, 323, 504, 506 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) along with Section 3 of anti-superstition act (Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013).*

What’s surprising and horrifying is that the woman has reportedly lodged two previous FIRs against her in laws. In the first, she reportedly alleged that her in-laws had demanded dowry at the time of her marriage in 2019, including gold and silver jewellery, and some cash. In the second report, the police imposed Section 3 of anti-superstition and black magic, according to the complaint application.

The police say that the woman was forced to take part in an ‘Aghori’ practice under a waterfall on several occasions on Amavasya nights (new moon nights). The instructions for the rituals were being provided over video calls by a tantrik.

As part of this unthinkable ‘black magic ritual’ they forced this woman to consume powder made of human bones to conceive a child.

What nonsense is all this?!

Who are these people? What is this madness? And more importantly, why did this not stop after the second FIR?

How many times does one need to muster the courage to report on malpractices and abuse like this?

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As it is there’s a very small percentage of domestic violence and abuse victims who report it to the authorities. If there’s no tangible resolution to such issues even after repeated reports, what is one supposed to do?

It is small consolation that the police is now cunducting a complete investigation in the matter. The accused are already absconding.

I hope they are able to apprehend them and that justice will be served.

What is this urge for a male heir that makes people so barbaric?

There are many reasons for a woman not being able to conceive. How is doing tantra for conception a solution to this in any universe? How can we justify torturing women like this?

Why is the life of an as yet unformed unthought of being more important than a living breathing person?

In my own family, one of my relatives left their first wife because she was dealing with infertility. This was in the early 80sWe have come way too far in terms of civilizational advancement to still be burdened and riddled with such filth!

Incidents like these and news like this is often dismissed and swept under the carpet. Let us prevent this deliberate ignorance. Every time something like this happens, let us raise a hue and cry and call the perpetrators to account.

Let’s band together and spread awareness about reproductive health and ‘choice’ when it comes to bearing children.

Image source: shutterstock

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Monica Singh

Scientist and Storyteller. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool bibliophile. My love of reading has led to my passion for writing. I write so others can find comfort and acceptance in my words, just read more...

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