6 Home-Hacks For Moms Resuming Work After A Break!

Here are 6 home-hacks for working mothers who have a lot of things on their mind when resuming work after a break.

Most of the working mothers may have already figured out as to what works for them when resuming work after a break and maintaining that balance and rhythm.

However, I have listed a few suggestions which can help in making life simple and saving that tad bit extra energy needed to manage the myriad of responsibilities while drawing a balance between work and life.

Weekly meal plan

Decision Fatigue, as any people tend to describe it. A little advanced planning for the weekly meals can save the mental energy and a lot of morning hassle when there is already a time crunch.

Simply alternating between a couple of breakfast options – eggs boiled, scrambled, omelette, egg sandwich, upma; you can create your own list for the five days as per your preferences.

The idea is to avoid the extra mental energy consumption for something in the morning that could be routinized. And needless to say, with that planning comes the weekly grocery list and shopping.

Know the vices

You cannot be spending time and effort on organizing and decluttering every day. But you can surely try the incremental decluttering, maybe on twice a week frequency.

Refrigerators generally tend to be the ones most abused in terms of purpose of use. Identifying such vices and keeping them in control will help you to not get overwhelmed.

Other things can be picked up at a more relaxed frequency and on days with better bandwidth.

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Renew and rejuvenate

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. Introspect and find out those things that rejuvenate you. Either it’s me time or following a blog or writing something in your journal or anyone thing which is cathartic for you, needs to be done.

Believe me, these things give you that energy, perspective and the momentum to go on.

Adopt and adapt ideas from others

There are a lot of ideas you can pick from others and customize them to suit your needs. There are few YouTube channels and websites which I check on and off, and they do have some very doable suggestions and also add on too my perspective.

Simplify your space, there are multiple websites that will help you choose things ideal to your need! You will need to explore and create your own preferred list. The emphasis is that you do not have to start from scratch every time.

Unapologetic office attire

Plan your weekly office attire in advance. Taking a cue from the capsule wardrobe, keep it simple and yet chic. Extra number of monochrome outfits do no harm. Again, few professions this might not work where the creativeness of attire is a must.

I am coming more from the business look perspective, you have to research a bit and develop a wardrobe that you can mix and match.

Form tiny habits focus on wellness

One of my favourite books is – Power of Habit – Charles Duhig”. I don’t intend to cover the book here, but a key concept introduced in the book about keystone habits. One positive habit change can bring a snowball effect of positive changes in other areas of life.

I would suggest let that one area be wellness. Your wellness, if you do not have the bandwidth to do big bang changes – follow simple changes such as oil pulling to maybe fasting once in a week. Starting small with exercise targets or starting with walking.

Remember, walking is also a kind of meditation that helps you clear your thoughts.

Introduce tiny habit changes – maybe giving up ketchups, reducing refined flour, using organic cosmetics, writing the journal at least twice a week etc. and keep adding on as you feel the need too!

Last but not the least, learning to spend time with your own thoughts and “Being You

image source: kate_september2004 via Getty Images Signature, free and edited on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Neha Taneja

I am a Cybersecurity professional, a mom who loves to read books and write as well. I have been vocal about my views on Cybersecurity and driven with the same passion I would like to read more...

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