5 Useful Tips: If You Are Travelling With A New-born!

My mind began racing; the travel dates, flight schedules, how will she adjust to the weather change, what if she cries of ear pain during the flight, what if she falls sick, what if her weight drops?

It had been long, I hadn’t been anywhere, I was turning down any and every invitation that came — I was extra, extra cautious throughout my pregnancy.

But not any longer, I’d delivered a perfectly healthy baby, and it was also my closest friend’s wedding — I just couldn’t say, “No!”

My mind began racing; the travel dates, flight schedules, how will she adjust to the weather change, what if she cries of ear pain during the flight, what if she falls sick, what if her weight drops!?

I was frantic.

But here’s what I did and what you can do, too!

Keep calm

Sit yourself down and just have faith. If you can bring a child into the world, there’s nothing that you CANNOT DO!

You are already READY!

Talk to someone, it can be a sister or a friend who’s had a similar experience or has a baby who has travelled before. It can be super comforting. New moms always have this go-to person for all their worries and concerns— so don’t shy away from seeking advice.

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I know you must be getting all the advice in the world – whether you ask for it or not – but this might just help you, so don’t shy and just talk it out!

Consult the doctor

Consult the baby’s paediatrician — let him know relevant details about your travel and your mode of journey, and clear all doubts you might have.

Here’s my list of questions:

  • Is it okay to fly with my 2-month-old baby?
  • How to prevent ear pain during the flight?
  • How to manage her food n dietary requirements?
  • What all medicines to carry?

Make a mental note of all the dos and don’ts.

I was extremely skeptical about my baby’s behaviour on the plane — because just like you, I too have heard enough stories about babies crying and yelling which is not only stressful for the baby but also causes huge disturbance to the fellow passengers — but — there’s a solution.

Breastfeed the child while take off and landing works like magic and prevents any ear pressure build-up. Voilà!

List it down

This is not just my favourite hobby – but also one which keeps me sorted with most things in life. I totally swear by my to-do list.

Pen down all the potential tasks, items to be carried and everything you possibly think you might forget.

Here are a few examples:

  • Items to pack for the baby – (diapers, cloth nappies, bathing seat etc)
  • Plan her outfits day-wise (I plan mine too!)
  • Things to buy beforehand
  • People to visit/ touch upon before leaving (I prefer taking my baby to the doctor’s for a general check-up)
  • Jot down all the office work/household chores you need to wrap up
  • Lists are lifesavers, trust me when I say that—  keep checking off things from the list, so you’ll never miss anything out, even if it is a last-minute plan!

Keep travel essentials handy

Few things which you must keep handy as you will need them now and then while travelling.

  • Carry cot/pram/nest
  • Blanket
  • Baby food/ formula/ sterilized feeding bottle
  • Bibs
  • Tickets, IDs

So, what I’ve started doing is that I ditch my swanky handbags and slings for big duffle bags! While I only have numbered items to carry, I have everything I require for my baby during transit — all in one place.

Invest in this bag as it is going to be with you till your baby can carry his/her own belongings — so make sure you are not compromising on quality, and it is comfortable to lift and carry around.

Also keep in mind that when you are with a toddler (baby under 2 years) – you will enjoy the luxury of faster check-ins at security counters and baggage drops — so don’t feel hassled, just ask and scoot ahead!

Carry your baby’s favourite toy

“How could I even forget that!?” — will be the reaction when you would be killing for some me-time and the baby would simply refuse to leave you.

Yes! Pick up the most musical, illuminating toy which grabs the most attention of your child because hey? Nobody cares if that noisy pitch gives you a headache – your BABY LOVES IT and that’s all that matters! Right?

I hope you find these tips helpful, please let me know in case I’ve missed something or any other tip you have which might come in handy to other mothers.

Image source: greenapereture, via Getty Images free on CanvaPro

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