Higher Education Is Becoming A Necessity: Should You Pursue It?

In the recent decade, graduates are preferring jobs over pursuing higher education. But the latter is a stepping stone for a steady career.


In the recent decade, more college graduates are opting out of higher education and going for income avenues. Hence, there has been a recurring drop in the annual numbers of total students enrolled for the same worldwide.

With the rise in the idea of work experience weighing over theoretical knowledge, more and more students decide to drop their higher education dreams and join paying jobs. 

Behind the reality, this decision of the young generation is more of a risk. Like, boulder in the middle of a stream. You step on it.

Either you will have a solid footing, or end up wobbling. And it is this wobbliness that most of the workplaces take advantage of. Degrees in higher education ensures a steadier tread in the career path.

It is a chain reaction.

Higher educational knowledge usually promises higher income.

Higher education for us youngsters is an investment that promises a brighter future.

You are considered to be a subject-matter expert only when you are equipped with theoretical knowledge that deals with the intricacies of the field. And subject-matter experts are paid more than freshers who are looking forward to practical experience.

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Statistics show that students with postgraduate degrees tend to find higher-paying, high-skilled jobs more easily than undergraduates. This implies a higher income package. And let’s say, the amount of income is a good motivational factor, isn’t it?

Higher education instils confidence and leaves room for better bargains.

Nowadays, higher education curriculums are developed to accommodate the practical aspects along with the theoretical structure.

Hence, it is obvious that someone who has undertaken such a course would be better aware of the difficulties that they are going to face in the field, than the ones who have not. 

This would provide you with a certain confidence to navigate through the demands of your field, and will enable you to judge if you are being paid equal to the time and energy that is expected from you. 

A thorough understanding of the field would also empower you to bargain for your income, or look for avenues that suit you more. Make sure when you serve, you ace it (tennis reference alert!)

More financial powers from higher education increases financial independence. 

Pursuing a job after completing higher education means starting your career at a slightly older age. This implies that you begin your journey towards financial independence when you are a bit more mature and have acquired some worldly experience. 

With great power comes great responsibility. Similarly, more income demands better handling of finances. And that gets easier with the maturity discussed above. 

A higher income package gives you the space to plan out your life goals, which includes short and well as long-term ones.

You understand how to handle your present expenses, investments, savings, weekly/monthly/annual budget better. 


Financial independence boosts psychological well-being, including self-esteem.

Do you believe that money can buy you happiness?

Well, Positive Psychologists are conflicted about the idea if income has a direct impact upon the Subjective Well-Being (SWB) of an individual. However, it has indirect effects on the psychological well-being of the earner. 

Independence has its own sweet taste. Financial freedom gives you the power to make your own decisions regarding matters that include money. It makes you responsible and accountable for the decisions you take.

This reduces dependency on others, and increases your self-esteem– the confidence that you are capable of handling matters of your own self. 

It is not always going to be a smooth ride, but sometimes you have to travel a road to avoid the potholes next time. 

Higher educational institutes increase your social well-being.

The higher the educational institute, your scope of forming networks increases. From school to college to university, there is a constant change of space and environment. Along with it, we meet different kinds of people.

Today’s world thrives on networking. The more valuable connections you make, the better your prospects of advancing in your field are.

Though you might feel the competitiveness of today’s generation has grown more cut-throat, it is also true that empowerment is also on the rise. 

Today educational institutes are not merely restricted to imparting education, but also encourage student participation in various kinds of cultural, sports, or social events.

This promotes holistic development. Inter-institute competition brings in students from different institutes, and it results in an exchange of ideas. 

A very beautiful platform for healthy networking.

Higher education facilitates personal development.

We as humans are always looking for more. Naturally, it is instinctive for you to want to master the field that you are pursuing. You would want to know more, dig deeper, unearth the lesser known, and treasure the knowledge earned. 

Keeping aside the tangible gains from a higher education degree, the decision to pursue one and the journey itself can bring with it enough validation.

Since your field narrows down to your expertise as you keep climbing up, your knowledge adds to your personal development. It gives you deeper ideas to research and work on newer aspects– ones that are unknown to the field.

Higher education is not a compulsion!

But not always it is possible for everyone to pursue a higher education. The world is an unfair place, and circumstances compel decisions. While having a higher education degree certainly does give you an edge over the other profiles, it does not mean the end of the world.

Most corporate companies allot a certain amount of months in training their new hires. In this period, they are trained in the environment of the company, including the norms, policies, ways of working, etc. 

At the end of the day, it is you who makes it all happen. 

Image source: vinaykumardudam via Getty Images Signature free on Canva Pro

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About the Author

Akankha Basu Roy

The author is a Gen-Z kid who resorts to writing to vent out about the problematic ways of the world. Having majored in Theatre, English, and Psychology, I take a guilty pleasure in complex read more...

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